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Closed | Archived [7843] City background bug


Since the update I am getting this effect in Winyandor, though not in Arendyll, even though in both worlds the Main Hall is near the top.

When I load the game, or go back to the city map from the world map or tech tree, it as usual centres the screen on the Main Hall. Now it is forcing the background down so the Main Hall is in the middle of the screen, creating a black strip across the top. It wasn't like that before the update.


  • elvenarbgdbug.png
    878.1 KB · Views: 105


Hi quicksilver, thank you for reporting this issue!
Could you please post your details as per our template, found here, as this will help us to reproduce this issue, thank you :)

Also if anyone else is having this issue, please do let us know, again with your details as per the template, thank you :)


Windows 7 and Pale Moon. I don't get it in Chrome. Haven't checked other browsers.


Firefox, I get it not only in my own city due to the position of the main hall but also in every city that I visit where the main hall is either in the top left corner or very close to it as QS's main hall is.


Hi both! Thanks for supplying your browser details. In order to investigate this one we'll also need at least your screen resolution, flash version and OS as per our template. I've therefore marked this one as incomplete for now, as until we have the requested details we cannot proceed any further. Thanks in advance :)


I have gotten this in my own city occasionally.
Windows 7, Firefox,, 1920x1080


Thanks all - this seems to be happening with Hardware Acceleration Off only, so if you're still experiencing the issue, please try turning your Hardware Acceleration option On. If it's still happening with HA on please let us know with your system details and the steps you took to reproduce the issue, thank you :)


Since this only occurred with Hardware Acceleration OFF and that option is no longer available, this one is effectively a will not fix (or cannot fix o_O )