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2024 Dwarven Event Survey Results


Master of the Elements
Did I miss something?

Ugh, I know I can click the button and it will send me to Discord. I am not so completely against that as some people, but it is still a pain. As soon as I click that, Discord starts to launch and whir into life. It seems to take a while and cause a kerfuffle when I haven't done it for a while. Then I have to shut down the software again.

So... I remember a survey where we had to pick a rabbit or a pig or a chicken (or whatever they were), but I thought I already saw the results of that. Have they asked another question since? What's a Dwarven Event?

Maybe it was a Discord only survey and this is their way of poking people who are not joining the party over there.


Master of the Elements
Now I can also see a link to the "Inno Blog". First of all - Didn't know there was one of those. Second of all, the blog post goes on about how they have surveyed everyone about this Dwarven Event, which closed a long time ago and the results are being given today... if I look at Discord... but yeah, this is the first moment I have heard of any of this.


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Hi @Pauly7 It was a survey asking peoples thoughts on the Production for the Dwarven Event Building that will be available in an upcoming event. It was available as a pop in game a few weeks ago if memory serves :)


Master of the Elements
So a dwarven event is the one where you have to match the shapes together, I guess. Yep, did that one and got it last year.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
I can confirm that the in-game news was live from 3rd to the 13th of May inclusive. Similar to our previous survey this was asking players to choose their preference for the upcoming events building effects. It was available across each of our servers without exception.
We launched our InnoBlog last year, to bring players interesting news and items from across our games, our previous one was based around our 9th Birthday and can be found here


Master of the Elements
I can confirm that the in-game news was live from 3rd to the 13th of May inclusive.
And by this, you mean that it appeared in-game with a red icon next to the trumpet button? If that is the case I definitely did not get a red icon, because I click it whenever it appears (like today). From what you are saying it would have had to be there for 11 full days.


Master of the Elements
I should say, I'm not bothered that I've not been able to add my vote, but it is just a little strange that this message appears with the implication that I've been told all about something over a long period of time, but I have seen nothing.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Very rare we use the red pop-up, this is because the in-game news window pops up when you log in, so that days news is the first thing you see in your city. We rarely add a news item for just a few hours (unless final call for contests), they usually run over several days to give time for players to react, hence the 11 days of the last survey. So in theory even just a once a day player would be seeing this once a day as they log into their game.


Master of the Elements
Very rare we use the red pop-up, this is because the in-game news window pops up when you log in, so that days news is the first thing you see in your city. We rarely add a news item for just a few hours (unless final call for contests), they usually run over several days to give time for players to react, hence the 11 days of the last survey. So in theory even just a once a day player would be seeing this once a day as they log into their game.
Pop up or red icon, I would have seen either one.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
I am sorry I cannot explain how it was missed, as it was present for that time window, admittedly amongst other news items as we had a lot running at that time due to our 9th Birthday celebrations across social media, changes to Android versions being supported etc: A full log-in is needed on the game to trigger the news to pop-up, so if some players are not actively closing down the game and doing a full log in, this does bypass the pop-up ability, as the game would see this as a refresh not a new gaming session. Not sure if that information helps at all.


Master of the Elements
A full log-in is needed on the game to trigger the news to pop-up, so if some players are not actively closing down the game and doing a full log in, this does bypass the pop-up ability, as the game would see this as a refresh not a new gaming session. Not sure if that information helps at all.
Now, I wonder if this is key. I have a habit of not shutting down my PC for several days at a time. I use Elvenar more commonly on mobile, but it literally never gets closed on my phone. It is just there in the background.


I am sorry I cannot explain how it was missed, as it was present for that time window, admittedly amongst other news items as we had a lot running at that time due to our 9th Birthday celebrations across social media, changes to Android versions being supported etc: A full log-in is needed on the game to trigger the news to pop-up, so if some players are not actively closing down the game and doing a full log in, this does bypass the pop-up ability, as the game would see this as a refresh not a new gaming session. Not sure if that information helps at all.
That explains why I didn't see it in game either (I rarely log out, at least voluntarily). I did see it on FB but have no memory of what I voted for. Could someone post the results here, pretty please?


Game Moderator
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves, Thank you very much for your awesome collaboration during the survey for the Dwarven Event Building Production. We want to continue involving more and more every one of you each day. The community has spoken! You all have chosen that the Productions for the Dwarven Event Main Building will be:
Building Productions:

First Production: Barracks - Heavy Ranged
Second Production:
Chapters 1-7: Boosted Goods
Chapters 8-10: Boosted Goods
Chapters 11-17: Goods
Chapters 18+: Unurium
Third Production: Ancient Knowledge
Fourth Production - Enchantments: Combining Catalyst

We hope that you all are excited about this new approach.

We want to continue involving you more, so stay tuned for more surveys. We will also make sure they are short and sweet!

Kind Regards, Your Elvenar Team.


Thanks for that update @Serenity.

Interesting. So, I am presuming that the choice wasn't barracks heavy ranged troops vs, say, merc camp heavy ranged troops? If so, I call shenanigans.
Chosen by players who don't have a high level Temple of Toads :confused:


Master of the Elements
Chosen by players who don't have a high level Temple of Toads :confused:
Even if not, there is a big difference between frogs and barracks heavy ranged troops. If the question was - Do you want barracks heavy ranged or barracks light melee, then it makes sense that this was the decision.


I did a survey not so long ago, I honestly don't remember what building it was for, but thanks for the update @Serenity. :)