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2 serious shortcomings of the 18th chapter


Maybe someone has already written it somewhere ... Chapter 18 has 2 serious shortcomings. (Maybe more, I know about these two.)

The first is a large imbalance in the production of ascended goods. I play on two servers (EN3 and SK1), on both there are usually many pages of offers available on the market for only one of the three goods. Coincidentally, I am unlucky that I produce the goods on both servers, of which everyone has above their heads.

e2.png e1.png

The second issue of this chapter is that one of the tasks requires building 6 welcome squares. 6 are too many for this chapter and those players, who do not tear down some of them early, may later have difficulty fulfilling other unskippable tasks, when their portal is full of elves, humans and elvenar.

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Yeah, I've noticed the Ascended Goods imbalance too. Is it an infection from the scrolls over-supply? <joke only>
I haven't reached the six Welcome Squares task yet. But six!! The Team Spirit guest race takes up enough space as it is! Hopefully I can teleport a couple of hub buildings to build two more WSquares and sell them off later. I don't mind tough tasks, but the ones I'm starting to see just seem cruel and unkind ;)


You're not going to like the welcome 10,000 humans quest then! That one took me ages due to the stupid cap. This is what happens when Inno start changing things to cheat their own design (capped goods being the ones needed for research, being the original design), when they realised that they gave us too many Portal Profit instants, so now they cap goods where it makes no sense, so we can't use PP to actually make fast progress. The side-effects this has on quests etc. is clearly an afterthought.

Six welcome squares is the amount needed to be able to keep your 12 hubs (three of each kind) running non-stop, so that's why the quest is that number. It doesn't take into account the fact that a lot of people would prefer to just use PP instants instead to save space, or that not everyone can keep their hubs running 24/7 due to RL commitments, so the number of people welcomed from six squares relative to those 'spent' doesn't work to their intended design plan for most people.
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At the risk of saying something very obvious: you don't have to do the quests if you can't or feel they don't suit your style of play. Just ignore them and you can decline all those you don't like when the new chapter arrives :)


I'm finding following the storyline this chapter a lot better and easier to do than ch17, less space slightly is needed and there is a lot more freedom with the layout.


I'm finding following the storyline this chapter a lot better and easier to do than ch17, less space slightly is needed and there is a lot more freedom with the layout.
You haven't gotten to the 38th task yet, have you? :)


How about we do this "Inception" style? The story goes down a bunch of levels of (un)reality


I find a far worse flaw in the chapter, it is the same flaw that the previous 2 chapters share :D It makes tourneys/spire (and all that is related) worse, not better!

So thank you for the new chapter, but NO thank you.


And if you want to start arguing that it is better than the pevious 2 chapters, then yes i agree with you, it certainly is better than the worst in history, but that does not mean it is acceptable and less so if you consider it would have to have been good enough to incentivize 3(!) chapters worth of pain (or was it called research?) not just 1.


It is the most silly idea possible, until someone fixes the tourney to a point where progress is beneficial again. I wonder what condition (medical or otherwise) has everybody hooked enough to self-inflict large amounts of pain constantly. Is it FOMO? Is it OCD? Is it any other funky combination of letters?


There sits an Orc on a rock in a forest somewhere and watches the most curious spectacle: A whole bunch of rather normal looking humans and elves just go about their daily business as always, just to every now and then pick up a little hammer hanging from their belt and whack themselves over the head with it, just to then continue whatever else they were doing like nothing had happened at all. It is a very puzzling, but also entertaining spectacle :D it has been going on for a whole year now! And noone seems to get tired of trying to fit their well-fitted old hat on their now bruised and bumpy heads without success ...
It is most confusing for the Orc, but he still has to giggle every single time one of them picks up their little hammer, he is admittedly rather infantile and enjoys the various yelps and cries greatly, but never fear little Orc they will not stop ...


Because in reality YOU are GOD and all that happens, only happens for your entertainment!


And somehow we need to make sure the stories can still call the Orcs the dumb ones...


At the risk of saying something very obvious: you don't have to do the quests if you can't or feel they don't suit your style of play. Just ignore them and you can decline all those you don't like when the new chapter arrives :)

They've been sneaky in that regard with Ch18 too. Instead of one quest near the end of the chapter that gives you 200 diamonds, there's a whole bunch that give 20 diamonds instead. So yeah, you can skip some, but if you want your 'free' diamonds, you still gotta do a lot of them.


They've been sneaky in that regard with Ch18 too. Instead of one quest near the end of the chapter that gives you 200 diamonds, there's a whole bunch that give 20 diamonds instead. So yeah, you can skip some, but if you want your 'free' diamonds, you still gotta do a lot of them.

They really try hard pushing people through that cookie cutter ;) But on the other hand 20 (or even a couple of 20ies) diamonds isn´t too much of an incentive anymore if I can get the same or more from a single spire boss.