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Search results

  1. How to make a Ton of Coins in 3mins!

    after thinking a lot, finally i made 5.6Millions coins in 3 minutes. I'm sure that I'm not only the one who are doing this trick. How did I do this? Most people are using coin rain (it's ok) then they are going to waste their coins on wholesalers (don't do that, stop it here). Build Cultural or...
  2. Fellowship of the Raven looking for Members

    Open for applications. Fellowship for friendly and active members. Participation in events, tournaments and the Spire is expected. Fellowship of the Raven EN1- Arendyll
  3. Discussion July 2022 Fellowship Adventure - Feedback

    Hi anyone done the math on the sack of gold? I have a level 10 city with 20 residence @ level 24 earning 7181 coin per/hour 7181 x 24 hours =172344 coins per day 172344 x 20 res = 3,446,880 coins per all residence 3446880 x 6 days of FA = 20,681,280 coins per the duration of the FA 20681280 x 25...