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New Game Features Zoomed-out World Map


Summary - it is the ability to zoom out the world map by one more degree.

I'm imagining that the map would be made of smaller hexes with less graphics. i think player names can be crammed inside the hexagon or their sizes stay the same since the villages are one block apart so they wont overlap.

Reason is for easier world map navigation, especially when you already have discovered a large area on the map. It could be a pain to find which currently discovered provinces can be conquered right now.


Cool idea shrewdbon, thanks for posting!

Maybe an addition to this idea, adding a "search" function to find a specific player's location on the map? That would be neat, especially along with the idea of a zoomable world map, so you can zoom out and get a better idea of exactly how far away a player is from you.


Additionally, it would be nice if the "search" function would allow you to search for specific resource on the map (iron, dust, scrolls etc.) so one could see where is the nearest location of resource's relics he/she needs and which provinces to explore to get to them


hey alex, i also want to implement that search function because imagine if there's a player who constantly trades goods with you (like my current case right now), so you want him to be discovered so that knowledge points wont be a problem.

tempus maybe you meant a "highlight a speficic relic" function? "search nearest specific relic" would also be nice.


Yes, I thought about "highlight a specific relic" function.

As a bonus it could find the shortest and cheapest route to chosen province.


Absolutely, world map should be possible to zoom in/out. I was also coming to propose this myself. :D
Even the simple step-by-step zoom 50% 100% 200% etc .. would help a lot.


Totally agree with this suggestion. Drag only goes so far, after that it gets more than annoying.


Value in this idea if only to see out to the edge of our 'discovered' area. Scanning the undiscovered area beyond a few steps would be tedious at best, pointless at worst.


Definitely like this suggestion.
Would make visiting others on a daily basis less of a pain too.


Sorry for resurrecting an old thread but I found something out yesterday from a fellowship member I was unaware of.

My Firefox for some reason will not zoom in or out on flash applications. But Chrome does. If you click on the options menu and toggle the zoom, it will zoom in and out of flash. But be careful though, it does zoom out the whole game, doesn't matter which screen you're on and also eats your browsers resources on the world map making the game lag a lot quicker.