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Answered What happens if I sell my training ground and armory?


Although when I started to play Elvenar I bought a training ground, barracks and an armory and did train troops l decided to negotiate for the provinces instead (lt soon became obvious that I was useless at fighting and warfare strategies etc). I then only upgraded them to get more ranking points. So I was just wondering what would happen in my game if I sold the training ground and armory (l presume I can’t sell the barracks but can I get rid of it?) as I could really put the space these are currently taking up to much better use.
Would I still get associated fighting/army quests, which then as I couldn’t do, would block up my quests? Would I have any other problems? I know I would still have to complete any army related research to progress with the knowledge sections which whilst it’s a pain isn’t actually a problem. I also know I would lose the ranking points but gain other useful stuff back.
And two other quick questions, please. 1) How does one become a Mage if there isn’t one already in your fellowship? and 2) Is there a problem if an Ambassador overtakes an Archmage in the points ranking? Presumably the AM still keeps the title if they set up the Fellowship?
Many thanks in advance for any advice.


You cannot sell the barracks. If you sell an armory your training size goes way down. If you sell your training grounds your troops remain but ofc you cannot train anymore.
The Archmage would have to reclassify someone to be a mage but they would have the power to expel which is why an Arch might hesitate to make his/her new newish players one. You can have any score the titles are not relevant


Thanks, Lelanya,
I know I can’t sell the barracks but will I encounter any problems with my future quests I sell the armory and training ground?
Many thanks.

Deleted User - 106219

You will need an Armory to produce Orcs, once you get ot the Orcs and Goblins chapter, so you should keep at least one.

You don't really need the Training Grounds if you don't use the units from them.


City looks to be late chapter 3 or early chapter 4. Yes it is tough to find enough space right where you are. You have an almost optimal use of the space you have. Some culture like your Flying Boat does not need a road but you have it by your Main.
Yes you will get quests to do certain things some of which may be declinable. Gamers Gems of Knowledge has them all collected do take a look
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Armories are fast to rebuild, so if you don't fight at all you can sell all of them and rebuild at the end of Fairies chapter to be ready for orcs.


Will do. Lelanya. Thanks for that. Where do I find the Gamers Gems of Knowledge, please? I’m just concerned that I may even up with quests blocked by non declinable tasks. During the recent Phoenix Event my Grandaughter’s quests became blocked for days in a similar situation until the end of the event. She’s only level one and was being asked in quests to use products from level three which were none declinable. She didn’t have a trader at the time so couldn’t even try to trade for the goods required.Just want to try and avoid this if I can with armies/fighting.


Will do. Lelanya. Thanks for that. Where do I find the Gamers Gems of Knowledge, please? I’m just concerned that I may even up with quests blocked by non declinable tasks. During the recent Phoenix Event my Grandaughter’s quests became blocked for days in a similar situation until the end of the event. She’s only level one and was being asked in quests to use products from level three which were none declinable. She didn’t have a trader at the time so couldn’t even try to trade for the goods required.Just want to try and avoid this if I can with armies/fighting.

Here is the link to much helpful info on gamers gems of knowledge.



I have never had a training grounds or mercenary camp and never had any problems with quests. As has already been said you will need armouries to make orcs in later chapters and you will need orcs to negotiate provinces on the world map from ring 10 or 11and further. You will probably need more than one armoury for making orcs(I use 3).


Master of the Elements
I have never had a training grounds or mercenary camp and never had any problems with quests.
Ditto for me as well.

As other's have said, though, I would think twice about having no armouries. Firstly they are essential for producing the orcs later on, but also to help troop production for tournaments. I realise that you have said that you don't fight - I don't either when it comes to province encounters - but you will make things either difficult for yourself, expensive or you will hinder your own progress hugely if you don't at least auto-fight tournament encounters. It doesn't really take any longer than catering and will save you massive amounts of goods.


For me it was hard to fight in provinces until late orcs, something seems off-balance in those early chapters.


For me it was hard to fight in provinces until late orcs, something seems off-balance in those early chapters.

I had the same experience, fights in encounters are now possible for me after starting the Woodelves, after not being able to win them without heavy losses previously.