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Trendor's Reach has two openings.


We are a growing Fellowship with two openings. Currently ranked in the mid 60s, we have members from 3000 to 30000 points from around the world and have been growing by 6 to 10% a week. Our trade list is usually between 10 and 20 pages. Looking for traders and people who visit regularly, we especially need steel, scrolls and gems to balance our production. If you are interested PM me in game.


We need someone with boosted elixir! If you need an active trading and visiting fellowship PM me. We are a mature pretty quiet bunch and could really use an Elf or two.


Looking for a trader mage. If you are an active trader and willing to help new players with trade advice and planning we need you! We have a large number of new players nearby and need someone to help them learn the trading system. If you had an interest in city planning that would also be awesome. PM or apply to the fellowship if interested.