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Answered Phoenix Eggs


Master of the Elements
Just to double check, if possible, does anyone know whether a new 2019 Phoenix Egg will still definitely be in circulation to appear in the crafting menu if I delete the old one that's already in my inventory? At the last moment I've started to wonder whether it could be worth building the 3rd original Phoenix in my city. It probably won't happen, though, as it would need to be at least level 6 to be worth looking at and right now I can't see myself getting it above level 3.


They are still appearing in the crafting menu for me in cities where I don't have the 2019 phoenixes. There is one in the menu right now in Win.


When the event started I deleted my old fire egg and got a new one in crafting a few days later, so yes.


I am interesting if the recepie for crafting new artefacts for old ones will continue to appears at MA during the upcoming FA. I would love to be able to craft the 2 artefacts from the adventure and further evolve my fire Phoenix. I am new to the game and didn't participate in the old Phoenix event so don't have this bird. I still will not have fully evolved building but one level up is one level up.