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Answered Paying for research


Looking at this screenshot, is it possible to use diamonds to complete all research in a chapter?
I don't have any settlement buildings yet so the guest race goods are unobtainable at the moment.
I'm certainly not considering (or encouraging) this approach but am just wondering if it can be done.



I believe that it is entirely possible @Jake65. Although it would be insanely expensive to use diamonds to pay for 'all research in a chapter', I have paid for particular research shortages, once or twice. In fact I will probably have to do this in order to complete the final two activations at the end of Chapter 20. (I don't have the required storage amount of Portal goods.)


Any required resources that you already have would be automatically consumed and are taken into account in the diamond calculation. So the actual number of required diamonds will vary for everyone. That's probably an underestimate. (My Drum Maker research, in the next column, is currently >9000 diamonds)