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Partial Research Completion

Sir Derf

Quests that require multiple parts allow you to satisfy the different parts as you complete them - You don't need to have all requirements at once.
Research payments require you to have all the requirements at once.

For example, I'm now waiting to pay for the Final Main Hall Research in Chapter 17. This asks for 60M Gold, 2.5M Mana, 270k Elvenarin Zero, 52k Luxuries and 250k Obsidian. It's going to take a longer time to get the Luxuries than either the Mana, the Elvenarin or the Obsidian. And Mana, Elvenarin and Obsidian all decay. Right now, I have to time to get everything to the levels needed at once. If I get there early with, say, Mana, there will be decay as I keep it at the needed level.

It would be more efficient to be able to pay the individual portions as you get them.


Agreed, but I suspect it's like that to make it more challenging/difficult.
I've had research where the decay on the required sentient goods exceeded my production. Only way around that was a lot of carefully timed cross-tier trading.


I would prefer quest style "pay x amount of Mana..."
At least then you could make down-payments when you've got stock.

Sir Derf

1) Yeah, it makes it more challenging/difficult. But, you never know if you don't ask. How long were people asking for, and being denied, what ultimately manifested as the Teleport Spell?

2) Decay on required amount exceeded production? Yeah, and? Since you mentioned this in the past, I assume this means you got past this, so the following is less revelatory for you, but for others...

  • Add more production. Well, duh...
  • MM those Manus.
  • More cross-tier trading, leveraging production of your other Sentient Goods.
  • More Relics for more Boost, assuming you weren't already at 700%
  • More Levels to Elvenar Trade Center (+MM Effect), Timewarp and Vortex of Storage (+Sentient Boost) and/or Simia Sapiens (-Sentient Decay)
  • And, just for completeness, helpful Fellows or other Trade partners willing to accept low-quality Sentient Goods Trades.


The absence of the teleport was before I started. Thankfully!!
Some players seem to frown upon cross-tier trades, hopefully that never gains traction.


Some players seem to frown upon cross-tier trades
I used to in my early days. Now I occasionally look sideways and mutter something under my breath for the more extreme cross-trades. :)

But as long as they are fair 2-star trades I honestly don't mind any more. I even place cross-tier trades myself sometimes, and give a little bonus to make them 3-star.


If I get there early with, say, Mana, there will be decay as I keep it at the needed level.
At one point I had 3 buildings upgrading only to save the mana and seeds for after decay