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No Retreat is Looking For You!!


We are a great bunch of people who really do work well as a team. We do 10+ chests weekly in the tournament and hit the top of the Spire for Gold every week. We have had a few of our friends leave due to ill health and real life issues which is why we are looking for new people who would like to join us.
I wont say we are family as that is like the kiss of death when recruiting but I will say that we are a super helpful bunch who are happy to help our team mates grow in whatever way we can.

What we want is enthusiastic tourney and spire players who are active in the game. We do the FA, but relaxed, so there is no whipping of members to get them to destroy their cities and give up sleep for five days. Regular visits and a wee chat now and then. Thats it!
I really do hope you will consider joining us and I look forward to hearing from you really soon. You can contact me here or ingame, McBratty.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,
Take care and happy gaming.x


We are still looking for a few keen tourney and spire players to help us build back up to our former glory. First two in the door will recieve a lifetimes subscription to the Elvenar Journal. Take a chance and join us, you wont regret it!! :))


We are looking for four very keen tourney and spire players to join us. We are a very close knit team who work really well together and hope you will consider us if you are looking for a new home. Please look me up here or in game, McBratty. :)


We just need three more brave souls to join us. If you could see what this amazing group of people can do every week you would want to join us! They work their tails off to make sure we do really well in the tournament and get to the top of the Spire every week. I honestly couldnt be more proud of our fabulous wee group. I hope you will consider joining us as you will be missing out if you dont. :)


There are two vacancies available in our Group. We are really keen Spire players and usually we all reach the top every week. Tournament we clear 10+ chests. We are a very supportive group and work well together as a team. If you are looking for a new home, give us a try. Find me either here or ingame. McBratty.


We have one vacancy available at the moment. We top the Spire every week so we are looking for a player who enjoys doing that also. We are a really lovely bunch of people though and work great as a team. :))


Sadly more real life issues have hit us so we are now looking for 3 new members. As I have said previously, we are a gold spire and 10 chest tourney group. This means you need to be able to at least get to the second floor in the spire and score 1600 pts minimum in the tournament. We also do weekly rewards where the five best efforts of the week are rewarded with 20kp each. If you need to know anything further, apart from the fact we are an awesome group, then just message me either here or ingame. The name is McBratty :))


HI McBratty,

Was wondering I have a very healthy 57K city in Felyndral....Not enjoying my fellowship I'm in and looking to move to another. Which world are you in? I get to the lab at least every week (only one in team that does), and recently did 4K in the tourney. Level 2 / 3 trades only.
Thx Baffa


Once again we are on the hunt for a few players to join us.
We are a 10+ tourney chest and gold spire fellowship. If you are interested in joining us we would need a commitment from you to reach the top of the spire every week and contribute a minimum of 1600 pts in the tournament.
The FA is not very important to us so we usually play just for the rewards, stress free.
If we sound like a group you might be interested in joining, we are quite a lovely bunch of people, then please contact me in game (McBratty) or here. :)


One of our members is taking a sabbatical so this opens up one spot in our fabulous group. 10+ chests every week and everyone tops the Spire each week as well. We are a pretty nice bunch of people if I say so myself. Anyhoo, please come check us out, you wont be disappointed. Contact me either here or ingame. McBratty :)


Due to family commitments we have one player leaving at the end of this weeks tourney. As stated previously, we are a gold spire group which requires all our members to reach the top of the Spire each week to get all those lovely rewards. Also 2k minimum in the tournament each week. We play a relaxed version of the FA which means playing to just get the rewards so there is no stress on the group to produce masses of badges. We are a wonderful team and always happy to help each other out when we can. I do hope you will consider joining us as you wont regret it I can promise you that. If you are interested or would like more information, please either contact me in game or here. Look forward to hearing from you. :)


Once again we are looking for one person. You need to be absolutely rabid about the Spire and reach the top every week. We also require that you score a minimum of 2k in the tourney. The FA is usually voted on and its a choice of either not doing it at all or else going for the stage rewards only. Above all, we are looking for someone who wants to be part of a fantastic bunch of people! If interested, please contact me here or ingame :)
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Presently looking for a Spire enthusiast to join our gang. If you are interested, contact me either here or ingame. Remember to read our requirements and if we sound like the place for you then send us a message. :)