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Answered Maximum perky points


Looking ahead and wondering aloud...
Our FS currently has our perks at:
Knowledge 10
Tournament 10
Spire 6
Help 5

Does anyone have their FS perks maxed for everything yet?
If so, what happens to the points you earn going forward?

Seems a bit pointless to keep collecting them if they can no longer be used. Is there perhaps a plan that they could be used for something else in the future?
Some form of currency to 'spend' on goodies for all the fellows?

Disclaimer: any nerfing of perky points is not the fault of this post. Well, I hope not :eek::oops:


As far as I can see, your perky point score dictate your fs level. So if you've got all 4 perks to level 10 then you should have a level 40 fs. You can continue to increase your fs level, but not your perk points (as far as I know). Maybe they plan to or may need to increase the perk levels.


Level 1 is no perks, so the current maximum is level 41. At the moment the points just keep accumulating after that. Hopefully we'll have something to do with them eventually...
Ah, thank you @owl76 :)


Does anyone have their FS perks maxed for everything yet?
Knowledge 2
Tournament 10
Spire 10
Adv Help 10

It will take my FS a long time to get Knowledge perks max'd. So 'going forward' for me is, more of the same. :)

Disclaimer: any nerfing of perky points is not the fault of this post.
We know where you live!! :p

Pandora found out the hard way.



Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Sorry guys, that was my bad in forgetting about this! It has actually been raised quite recently but we've absolutely no information as to whether this will be amended in the future.

We're HOPING so! The perks are a good thing for a Fellowship to work towards :)

If I find out any spoilers i'll let you know :D