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Answered How many sentient goods manufacturies do I need?


I have just started the Elementals chapter and I have marble/moonstone as my boosted sentient good. Can someone please advise me how many sentient good manufacturies will be enough for each tier? Space is getting hard to come by and I really need to start planning way, way ahead. Thank you in advance!


Just starting chapter 18 and I've managed this far with only one of each S1, S2 and S3.
You won't need a whole street full of them like with standard goods.
I did go through a patch of needing more S3 goods so I built a second Elixir manu but that's now gathering dust in my inventory.

Short answer, start with one and see how you go :)


At the end of chapter14 (Constructs) you'll get the Timewarp and Simia Sapiens AWs. Highly recommended.
Timewarp increases sentient goods production (like the Mountain Halls for standard) and the Sapiens reduces the decay of sentient goods.


I've managed this far with only one of each S1, S2 and S3.
I have just 1 of each for sentient and ascended goods, you can get through with just 1, using MM spells at times.
I agree with @Jake65 and @m4rt1n. One of each sentient and ascended is enough. Also, any more than that and you will probably exhaust your divine seeds and unurium supplies.

As @m4rt1n mentioned, applying MM enchantments and feeding your Storm Phoenix (if you have one) before collecting the overnight 9-hr productions will give your sentient and ascended goods a nice boost. :cool:


end of chapters,
I'm not jealous ...


(Still trying to buy my way out of Chapter 20) :p