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Friendly Underdogs looking for a new member

Little Lilith

One of our fellows is leaving the game due to lack of time so we are looking for a new member.

We are a friendly and helpful fellowship that tries to strike a balance between putting no pressure on our fellows and being very active.
Everyone is encouraged to do their best but we don't have any rules except fair trades and being nice to your fellows.
We get 12 or 13 chests in the tournaments every week, sometimes more, and we regularly get silver medal in the Spire and are slowly working our way towards gold or at least occasional gold (in fact our first attempt should be this week :)).
We like to play FA and when we decide to push we are always in the top 10 (3rd was our best). (we alternate between push FA sand chill FA)

Your score and chapter are not important (we can help smaller cities grow faster), only your enthusiasm for the game and team spirit count.

Boosted scrolls would be a big bonus since the player leaving the game is boosted in scrolls.

If you are interested in joining us you can DM me either here or in game: Little Lilith on Arendyll