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Answered fighting


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Hello @imac64655, welcome to the Forum! how can we help you with ''fighting'' is there anything specific you are seeking to know?


Squad size generally is increased by researching the squad size upgrade tech's in the tech tree, however there are many other ways you can gain better troops for battle. Many Ancient wonders help with that. There is a superb guide to fighting here http://crazywizard.info/en/index-en.html

To add the specific tournaments have changed somewhat since this was written but mostly still applies.


Hi...Many thanks for your reply, hard to know the terminology but I am trying to find out how to increase the number of squads, not the fighting units in the squads....

Not sure I fully understand, but with each battle you have 5 "squads" and 5 enemy "squads" so do you mean can you have more than 5 or something else?


Yes I see some of the enemy have up to 8 squads,,,
In province encounters the enemy squad number does vary but the size changes so the total number of troops stays more or less the same.
You'll always have 5.