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Fellowships Fellowships: Pinboard; Show Activity


[Summary] - To make it easier for people to find fellowships and for fellowships to find members. This is most applicable to people beginning the game and new fellowships.
[Details] -
1)Indicate fellowship activity. This could be done by having something like green icon = over 20 active users in the past 24 hrs, orange over 15, red less than 10). Something similar could be done for users.
2)Implement a pinboard *in game* (as opposed to on the forum) where fellowships can post seeking members and players can post seeking fellowships. A template could be used where the players enter boosted goods, level of activity, and whether or not they enjoy chat, while fellowships could specify boosted goods they are looking for, whether or not they require daily activity and if their guild is chatty or not. Possibly implement an auto-search to help users and fellowships find active members after filling in the template ("Find Fellowship" or "Find members"). That may be somewhat complicated to create, though.
[Reasons for implementing] - It can be hard for players and fellowships to find one another, especially further down the point scale as there is no way of knowing whether a fellowship or player is active. This may cause new players to stop playing, especially when trading becomes important to the gameplay.
[Impact on other game features] - None.


The stark reality is that getting folks to even read the Fellowship Profiles is quite a challenge.

You could submit blind applications to a few Fellowships that look interesting, and take your chances, but if you hope to get into a fellowship that's well organized, you have to demonstrate that YOU'RE organized as well.
  • Look at your Trade Log (if you have unlocked the tech) to see who is offering trades.
  • Look at your notification log, and figure out which of your neighbors are visiting your city, and accepting your trades.
  • While you'll "lose" one discovered neighbor, there will be 20+ other folks in THEIR fellowship.
  • Read their Fellowship profile
  • Send a note to ArchMage and the Mages
    • Mention that you read the fellowship profile, and that you think you'll fit in
    • Mention that you've been looking at your Notification List
    • Mention your current score, and your preferred playing style
    • Mention your boosts, and your most recent unlocked technology
  • Wait to see which fellowships respond. If they don't respond soon, they won't respond later, either
  • Accept their invitation
If you're only considering one fellowship at a time, go ahead and apply immediately, which allows you to skip a step BUT you can't apply if the fellowship is already at 25/25. Most fellowships have a couple of people who are on the bubble, and they'll be able to carve out a slot for you, or at least recommend a sibling fellowship.
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That's all great advice, yet I still think the game would benefit from making it less of a daunting task for both players and fellowships. Just being able to see which fellowships are seeking applicants would help I think. Lots of people don't check forums and wikis and hence won't get to read your (or anyone else's) info.


We get a lot of requests from people especially new players. It would be helpful to show points, their bonus goods and how often they play/last date they played. It would help all guilds not only with recruitment but also with their members, as having a date when you last logged on can be helpful in determining if a player is active or has stopped playing. Showing how many members in a fellowship are active also helps new players see which guilds to apply to. Even a button that can be used to show you are looking for new members. Alternatively a scale showing minimum requirements (points) for joining or particular bonus goods being sought by guild.


I was about to post about last log on time.
I manage a separate spreadsheet of who I receive "bounce back" from visits and also change in score.
Change in score is the only way I can measure activity for people who refuse to return visits within the fellowship.

At the same time - an ability to set a flag for yourself like "Out of Office" would be as good - so people know you are deliberately/unavoidably absent.


It would also help if the mages had an easier way of checking fellows' activity, like an extra column in the fellowship log showing last activity. We have applicants but I am forced to manually try to check fellows' activity and the reports log doesn't go back far if you are doing a lot of trading. If anyone can give me solutions it would be great.


Stilll a very good idea - I am forever updating my excel files (for each fellowships I am mage in) and any option making the work easier would get my vote!


Try us out and work together to advance quickly- Im very active and on daily seeking similar players
Contact Player Mithandimir


if you leave a fellowship or are expelled you cant re apply to one for another 24 hours
if you send a message to the arch mage of one and then click back it closes the whole fellowship tab altogether, which is tedious to go back in to the menu again
if you accept one request, all the others are deleted.