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New Game Features Exchange locations of 2 buildings


I was wondering if it would be possible to add a feature in the game where you could select two buildings and exchange their locations? When space is so dear, being able to reorganize without earning another expansion first would be most helpful.

Thank you.


I like it.. I would add that being able to pick orientation... even if it locked you in, or cost something.. goods, coin, whatever.. might help.


I agree. I've often wanted to change the orientation of a building, but figured it would be too complicated to program.


I've often wanted to change the orientation of a building, but figured it would be too complicated to program.

It would be nice. However, in the past (recorded interviews), the devs have said that this would not become available. Their explanation included something to the effect that part of the challenge in game is planning out your city layout. The different sized buildings basically constitute a puzzle within the game that is a task for us to configure as the city grows.