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Event levels.


Do any other players agree with me that it is a bit unfair that when you have made it to the bronze, iron, silver or gold level in an event you can be demoted? For example in The Buried City I made it to Silver but I finished in the Iron Level.


The levels don't relate to a specific score but rather a score relative to other players.
Top 1% = gold, top 5% = silver, etc.
I was in gold for most of the event but in the last 24 hours lots of players exceeded my score so I dropped to silver.
Seems to happen every event, sudden flurry of activity in the rankings on the last day.
It's not that you were demoted, other players were just 'promoted' past you.


The levels don't relate to a specific score but rather a score relative to other players.
Top 1% = gold, top 5% = silver, etc.
I was in gold for most of the event but in the last 24 hours lots of players exceeded my score so I dropped to silver.
Seems to happen every event, sudden flurry of activity in the rankings on the last day.
It's not that you were demoted, other players were just 'promoted' past you.
I ended up in a lower level, that is my definition of demoted.


It is disappointing, I agree.
It's like leading a race for 90% of the distance and then running out of steam towards the end and finishing 4th.
It's happened to our FS a few times in the Fellowship Adventures. We run out of badges and our rank slowly slips down as other FS's pass us.

Sir Derf

Oh, the noes.

Why would someone who does better than me later than me get more rewards than me?

I, Boba, was the next-to-last competitor in the shot-put, and put my shot the farthest, at 90m, when the next closest, Doda's, was at 85m. Then the last guy, Sosa, goes and puts his shot for 99m, and they give him my Gold medal? Well, at least I kept Doda from getting Silver.

You think it's unfair to you. I think your thinking it's unfair is un-understandable. Ranked rewards are not the same as goal rewards. Elections aren't won by whoever is ahead on the first day of voting. Medals don't go to everyone who was the best so far. League standings aren't based on your best ranking on your best day.

Sir Derf

Everyone who has ever achieved the top 5% are always perpetually in the top 5%. That's how percentiles work, yes?


I, Boba, was the next-to-last competitor in the shot-put, and put my shot the farthest, at 90m, when the next closest, Doda's, was at 85m. Then the last guy, Sosa, goes and puts his shot for 99m, and they give him my Gold medal? Well, at least I kept Doda from getting Silver.
I think your shot was on target! ;)


I've got to a point where I don't bother looking at leagues anymore.
However it finishes, it's an added surprise at the end, but there's no point in worrying or fretting about how it all lands.


Master of the Elements
It is a very strange gripe to have. Others have explained it all, but yeah... these leagues are a competition between all the players taking part. When it tells you that you have reached the silver league, it isn't giving you that award. It is just a handy bit of information to say that AS THINGS STAND you have enough points for the silver league. If others score more points, though, you don't get to finish in that league.

If it worked how you want it to work then the very first person to use a piece of event currency would be in the gold league. He/she could then down tools for the rest of the month and somehow stay in the top 1 percentile.


You should probably take a break when you start losing a lot. When I first climbed from bronze 1 all the way to plat 5, I didn't get demoted once because I would stop playing as soon as I lost 2 games in a row.
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