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Early Collection


I have a problem with early collection. I think it is a good idea, very helpful in situations, variety and options help cater to a wider set of people. That being said right now it is annoying me. I can't distinguish between all buildings due to poor eyesight and the proximity of buildings. This helps to making collections more difficult, that and clicking on individual buildings does not work a significant amount of the time and it is even slower than it would already be. So I usually click on a residence and then swipe my entire city. So then we come to my pet peeve that I just adopted today Wisdom Square, after 3 hours which just so happens to be the same time I collect 90% of my goods I accidently hit it and get 1 apprentice out of a possible 6 if I waited 24 hours. Now I have moved the building to the outer edge of my kingdom to avoid this happening again and redesigned my city so I have no buildings nearby. But shortly i will have no space as every spot will be covered when I place the required buildings for the current stage. I foresee hitting Wisdom again as sure as I live and breathe. Can you make it so early collection can be turned off or that you have to make two hits to activate the early collection. I don't expect a positive outcome to this in my favour but it's annoying to say the least and I had to ask.
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Sir Derf

You have a point, but I would like to point out that it is a lesser issue than I think you think it is.

First, a correction - 6 Apprentices in 24 hours mean 1 Apprentice in 4 hours, and the early pickup for the Wisdom Square is 4 hours.

When you collect from the Wisdom Square early, you only lose the fractional time you've spent working on the next Apprentice. If your collections are every 3 hours, then in two rounds, 6 hours, if you accidentally collect early from the Wisdom Square, you get a single Apprentice and the production timer gets reset back to 0, and you lose the 2 hours that you had invested into trying to make a second Apprentice. The loss from early collection is only a fraction of an Apprentice every early collection.