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Other Diamond purchase deals


[Summary]: Increase the frequency of special deals for Diamond purchases

[Have you checked for similar ideas?]: Yes

[Details]: Can we please get diamond deals more often? Personally I find the diamond shop too expensive in general, but I have and would buy them with a good deal (as was the case with my first purchase, getting a free builder). Perhaps having a deal for 2 days (as some people don't log in every day) every 2 weeks. THAT would be much better. This also allows the faster cycling of various deal types, as there are some deals that would appeal to some people and not others.

[Reasons for Implementing]: I believe there would be others like me who are hesitant to purchase, but who would more happily spend money on good deals. They just don't come along often enough.

[Balance]: No impact on other game features, other than increasing the likelihood of players spending more money,