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[Neighbors] Deletion of inactives


[Summary] - Summarise your idea in one or two sentences.

While I see the need for you to delete inactives as you do so it has a negative affect on actives who rely on neighbor help as a source of coins so my idea is a change to the current sweeping system of deleting inactives.

[Details] - Clarify your idea by explaining the specifics.

As it is now when you do a sweep of inactives you probably take out 50% to 80% of the neighbors active players rely on to earn a few more coins so my suggestion is that instead of doing a mass deletion of inactives you leave them there so actives can take advantage of them and then put them on a queue and when someone new registers just replace them so that then actives wouldn't have wasted time and resources scouting.

[Reasons for implementing] - Explain why this idea should be implemented.

It should be implemented because actives shouldn't be punished because their neighbors go inactive. It is as simple as that. As actives we all spend time and resources to scout therefor after we have paid to scout any area we scout should be available to us 24/7 not dependent on the activity of another since we can't change that.

[Impact on other game features] - Name all the game features that would be impacted by implementing this idea.

None, it will only benefit the game


When you remove inactive players without replacing them, we lose daily income from doing neighborly help. That has a negative impact on the game. Now that this is being implemented, I've lost over 20,000 coins worth of revenue in just 2 days.


Sorry -- my math was way off. 38 missing neighbors x 3600 coins = 136,800 coins per day. A few new players finally appeared this morning, but I've lost more than 700,000 coins and still losing 90,000 per day at the current rate.


I think this idea is a good solution, and I hope something similar to this is implemented soon, lost another chunk of players today :(


i am a pro of deleting neighbours that are no longer active ..
i think the ones that are active should be relocated closer together when others leave ..
so the map isnt with open spots but with neighebours surrounding each other that actually help ..
so for example i now only have 6 neighbour that came over from the 1 month inactivitie ..
making me lose 10 other active neigbours ( keep in mind those 6 that are left are 3 actually still active , but all higher than the norm they should be in order not to get removed ) so i got gaps around me ..
others have the same ..
why not merge all of us together once the incatives from that month are cleared?
so the spots dont stay open ?
nd the map isnt filled with holes?

cause if the inactives are saved you only get the gold extra , for me i need the resources too and that , you will only get if they repay you the offer ( only get when they drop by you too , and inactives simple dont do that :p )

i place it in this post as i think 1 more would be an overkill ..

greets Mira