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Celestial Encounters - chapter 22 info (from Discord)



Chapter of Celestial Encounters​

We know that Chapter 22 is upon us, but we want to give you a glimpse of what you can expect in the coming chapters in Elvenar, are you ready?!

Chapter of Celestial Encounters
Welcome to the Chapter of Celestial Encountersin Elvenar, where the realms of Elves, Humans and Extraterrestrial beings intertwine in an unprecedented fusion of magic and technology!


In this chapter, Elvenar opens its gates to mysterious visitors from distant galaxies. As the Elves and Humans explore the cosmos, they encounter enigmatic alien civilizations, forging alliances, unraveling cosmic secrets, and facing new challenges.

Key Features:​

  1. Alien Settlements: Build unique alien settlements within your city, each with its own advanced technologies, architectural styles, and cultural quirks. Interact with alien ambassadors and delve into their rich lore to unlock powerful bonuses and advancements.
  2. Celestial Expeditions: Embark on celestial expeditions to explore distant planets, moons, and space anomalies. Uncover hidden treasures, encounter strange creatures, and establish trade routes with alien civilizations to enrich your city.
  3. Galactic Trade: Establish trade agreements with alien factions to exchange exotic resources, advanced technologies, and rare resources. Expand your economy and unlock exclusive upgrades to enhance your city’s prosperity.
  4. Spaceport: Build a majestic spaceport to facilitate interstellar travel and trade. Customize your spaceport with futuristic designs and cutting-edge facilities to accommodate spacecraft from across the galaxy.
  5. Guardians of the Stars: Train elite celestial guardians to protect your city from cosmic threats and hostile invasions. Harness ancient magic and advanced weaponry to defend against extraterrestrial adversaries.
  6. New Cosmic Ancient Wonders: Discover cosmic wonders hidden within the depths of space, such as Cosmic Temple and Celestial Phenomena. Unravel the mysteries of the universe and harness their power to elevate your civilization to new heights.
  7. Interstellar Diplomacy: Engage in diplomatic relations with diverse alien factions, negotiate treaties, and forge alliances to secure peace and prosperity for your people. Navigate complex interstellar politics and build a network of allies across the galaxy.


Embark on an epic journey beyond the stars in the Chapter of Celestial Encounters. Embrace the wonders of the cosmos, forge alliances with alien civilizations, and lead your city to a new era of enlightenment and prosperity. Are you ready to explore the unknown and unveil the secrets of the universe?

Celestial Phenomena 01.jpg
Cosmic Temple.jpg


You do realise what this would mean... Inno would have to pick which parts of your city to teleport or sell off in order to create said space. Only when you reach the end of this Chapter will reality bite and your 'mid Elvenar life' crisis will begin in earnest!


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Oooooooh my brain is going in overdrive!!! The settlement portal would be the colonised town on LV426, the guest race resource buildings would be the Alien Queen hatching eggs! the smaller resource buildings will be hosts in the sleep pods that produce the face huggers (using the eggs) and then you use the facehuggers to create Xenomorphs in the Portal!!!

Got it all worked out guys!!! ALL WORKED OUT!!!

(still a better love story than Twilight)


You do realise what this would mean... Inno would have to pick which parts of your city to teleport or sell off in order to create said space. Only when you reach the end of this Chapter will reality bite and your 'mid Elvenar life' crisis will begin in earnest!
Actually it would be the logical next step in their game "nerfing" every coupe of years pr so : event buddings nerf > tourney nerf > AW nerf > portions of your city disappearing (2026) :D


Oooooooh my brain is going in overdrive!!! The settlement portal would be the colonised town on LV426, the guest race resource buildings would be the Alien Queen hatching eggs! the smaller resource buildings will be hosts in the sleep pods that produce the face huggers (using the eggs) and then you use the facehuggers to create Xenomorphs in the Portal!!!

Got it all worked out guys!!! ALL WORKED OUT!!!

(still a better love story than Twilight)
This sounds like it will be my all time favourite chapter :cool:
Please please please make it happen :D


Oooooooh my brain is going in overdrive!!! The settlement portal would be the colonised town on LV426, the guest race resource buildings would be the Alien Queen hatching eggs! the smaller resource buildings will be hosts in the sleep pods that produce the face huggers (using the eggs) and then you use the facehuggers to create Xenomorphs in the Portal!!!

Got it all worked out guys!!! ALL WORKED OUT!!!

(still a better love story than Twilight)

Careful there Herodite. Disney owns the Alien IP these days, so this is a very quick way for Inno to get sued by the Demon Mouse.