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Deleted.....This was a waste of time....
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Hello Thuriquesse,

Thank you for taking the time to post your ideas and suggestions to improve Elvenar! I was wondering if there is any chance that you could possibly create one thread for each individual idea that you would like to be be considered? This is because we can only forward single ideas to the developers for consideration and as it allows the community to provide more detailed feedback on each idea separately. :)


I assume you know a gentleman by the name of MUF-MUF?

He represents Innogames. In the past I have attempted to do as you suggest and the volume in that forum was such that breaking up each section to individual threads was cumbersome at best and awkward at worst.

@ Madena...If this is not suitable then please erase this thread and I will call it a day....Each Multi thread is going to be greatly expanded. AND the pure volume of ideas will overwhelm this entire thread, I have JUST started....:)

I will await further to see how this proceeds to further expand and add-on to this ideas
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Deleted User - 13667

To simplify things, why don't you choose just 1 topic and explain your idea in more detail? Choose the one you feel is the best to be added into the game


I think Madena's request is perfectly acceptable and makes sense.


Not a single of the ideas posted has been implemented, even though they've always advertised this game as "evolving with the players ideas in mind".
Besides the above, there is no end game (once you complete your tech tree and town optimization, you essentially have nothing to do. No, leveling AWs is not "something to do". That's just spending excess KPs.

Needless to say, I'm on my last straw here.


Deleted.....This was a waste of time....
What a pity that you deleted your post, from what I've read in the answers you had some real good suggestions!
Still, do hope you'll post those in separate threads as Madena asked...

It really isn't that we as mods do not appreciate suggestions, on the contrary!
However to keep track of the response per suggestion AND prove the support from the community for each suggestion, we really need only 1 suggestion per new thread...
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