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Fellowships Badges and navigation


There are two things I would like to mention:

1. I have participated in many Fellowship Adventures. At the end of each Adventure I am left with Badges that I have worked for, but can not use. It would be really great if these badges could go into an Inventory so that they could be used in upcoming Adventures.

2. I would really like to be able to navigate around my city and other cities using the arrow keys on my keyboard, just as I can when I am moving around the the world map.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I really enjoy playing this game and I look forward to lots of new developments in the future.
Thanks again,


At the end of each Adventure I am left with Badges that I have worked for, but can not use. It would be really great if these badges could go into an Inventory so that they could be used in upcoming Adventures.

Not being able to save up badges to use in another adventure is a deliberate feature put in to stop fellowships making badges and stockpiling them to finish the next adventure in no time and and then spending most of the adventure putting badges into the bottomless pit to try and gain first place. Im not sure but i think that happened on beta when the adventure was introduced for the first time. That was the reason given for the devs changing things so that badges could not be stored and personally i think it is a good thing.


Perhaps if the unused badges were instead converted into resources for your city? Only a small amount though, otherwise people would stockpile them instead of using them in the adventure. That way they're not completely going to waste, but they're also not causing balance issues in the next adventure. It may also convince more fellowship members to participate in the adventure.


That is a good idea UlyssesBlue and I agree that it might encourage more participation.


It feels like this has been asked for a million times, but +1 in the hope that the million and first does the trick :p


It feels like this has been asked for a million times, but +1 in the hope that the million and first does the trick :p

Yes. Yes it has. But +1 from me as well.

I will say that the system is a lot faster on mobile to accomplish this (as well as Neighborly Help). I switch back and forth between mobile and the PC version for this reason. I can't wait for that promised, yet elusive, level of parity between the versions. I know, patience is a virtue.



I would like to suggest that the quest system (while improved with not having to hit decline) could be done as a wheel or pop up menu to select the mission you want. Clicking through the missions is the biggest downfall and deterrent to further participation.


This was the exact reason I was coming to the forum! I am dreading having to click through dozens of screens to return to a quest I just finished. I often make multiples of badges, and that long selection queue is really annoying.

I was thinking the popup menu or dialog box type of interface as well. The empty quest box could just show a ? until you select one.

Dreaming of an easy adventure,


Inno are aware of the quest selection problem but because of the way the quest system works they say that it is not possible to change it. They have said that they are looking at how they can do a complete overhaul of the quest system to improve things but it is not going to happen in the near future as it is a massive task. They said they will introduce a temporary solution if they can find a suitable one until they can introduce a new permanent system. I can't remember if i read that info on here or on beta or maybe it was mentioned in one of the live Q&A sessions. In short Inno know about it, they will change it but don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen.