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Answered Aspirants tab in Fellowship window


Can anyone tell me what it actually means that someone is listed as an aspirant for a fellowship. I assume it is people who have applied, but when I click the invite button next to someones name nothing happens (I am an ambassador in my fellowship, so I can actually invite people) Whereas if I invite to someone not on this list I get a message something like "invitation sent" .
There is a little red x to the right of the name that says "revoke invitation", which implies that they have already been invited.
So what exactly is their status?
And how are you actually supposed to invite someone in this list into your fellowship? Revoke invitation and then invite them? Come on!


  • You can't issue invitations when your Fellowship is already at 25/25
  • Similarly, somebody who is still a member of a fellowship can't apply to other fellowships. If they're worried about it, they have to test the water by sending a note to a Fellowship Officer.


Thanks Katwijk, but that does not answer my question, which was what does the fact that someone is listed as an aspirant mean?
My fellowship is under 25, and has been since I joined


Dear VeryWicked,

Allow me to answer your question :)

When a player is listed in the Aspirant tab in a Fellowship and he/she has only a red X next to the name it means they were invited to the Fellowship. The red X is to be used if the invitation wants to be revoked. When a player has applied to the Fellowship their name will also be in the aspirant tab, but with a green tick and a red X next to their name. The green tick is to accept the application or the red X to deny it. So both applicants and invitees appear in the aspirant tab of a Fellowship.

For more information on fellowships and other game features you are always welcome to have a look at the wiki(click), and if you do not find an answer to a question you have then you are more than welcome to ask here in the forum :)


I am new to the game & I do not know how to invite people to join my newly set up fellowship. how do i do it please.


I am new to the game & I do not know how to invite people to join my newly set up fellowship. how do i do it please.

Hi Welshdragonfire -

Welcome to Elvenar, hope you're enjoying the game.

There are several ways of inviting players to your fellowship:
  • You can view the player's city from the world map and once clicked on their village, click on the fellowship button under their avatar. It will give you an option to invite the player as long as they are not currently in another fellowship.
  • You can also invite players via the rankings page by clicking on their name and selecting 'invite'.
Enjoy and good luck!

- Aider