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Ancient Wonders Ancient Wonders and their Rune Shards


Hello All,
This Tuesday, we were treated with the Ancient Wonders patch.
Beautiful buildings, lots of great potential.

HOWEVER, in order to build them, you must complete a set of 9 runes. (or buy them at 200 diamonds a pop)

Now, the Elvenar wiki states:

You will find Rune Shards by:
  1. Completing the Provinces in the World Map - Each Completed Province will give you a random Rune Shard for the Ancient Wonders you have already unlocked in the Tech Tree.
  2. Completing Quests
  3. Investing Knowledge Points in other players' Ancient Wonders - You can invest in Ancient Wonders belonging to your Fellows or your discovered neighbors.
The second and third points are self explanatory, but the 1st point is compelete horse-crap!
For those that have gone through 40-60 provinces, this is ok, their scout times are a couple of hours to max 6 hours.

Myself and other players that have played this game from the start, or close to it, and are say north of 180 completed provinces are getting COMPLETELY shafted here.
My average current scout time is 26-28 hours!
So this means that newer, less progressed players will be able to get these rune shards at a MUCH faster pace than someone like me. Basically we're being penalized for having been a loyal player/customer.

Am I the only one that finds this wrong?
I'm being very honest here when I say that this is kind of a deal breaker. If this issue doesn't get resolved, I just might quit and take my gaming elsewhere.

Simple solution, actually give us Rune Shards for each of the ALREADY completed provinces. When I say us, I mean all the players, not any specific ones. Or at least from a certain benchmark (ie, give us Rune Shards for each of the ALREADY completed provinces from say completed provinces 40 and up, or 60 and up)

The way its set up right now, a person with 50 completed provinces will be able to gather Rune Shards 10x or faster than someone with 200 completed provinces.

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So this means that newer, less progressed players will be able to get these rune shards at a MUCH faster pace than someone like me. Basically we're being penalized for having been a loyal player/customer.
Many of us have seen this opera before, and find
it rather amusing that folks RUSHED to explore the map,
when there really wasn't any need to do so, and
when there was no way to use the knowledge points,
and NOW they're complaining about the unfairness of it all.

So the more complete players get to hog the spotlight for a while.
We've wisely managed our resources and we CERTAINLY deserve
to enjoy the advantages provided by our superior logistics abilities.

Please explain to me how you could have NOT have
realized that something major was just over the horizon?
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Many of us have seen this opera before, and find
it rather amusing that folks RUSHED to explore the map,
when there really wasn't any need to do so, and
when there was no way to use the knowledge points,
and NOW they're complaining about the unfairness of it all.
View attachment 126 /td]

Hey, I get to copy my reply from the US server :

Hang on ... what's the one resource that's the most precious in this game ? Space.
There are only so many expansions available throughout the game (even including Premium), so expanding through Province conquest is a perfectly reasonable way to play.
To then change the game so that suddenly you're at a disadvantage from the previous perfectly reasonably tactics is, I'd say, quite ... unreasonable :)


"it rather amusing that folks RUSHED to explore the map,
when there really wasn't any need to do so"
I really don't feel the point in the lines that any game wants people to be present in the Game as much as possible.Apart from resource collection and Daily visits the only thing that makes people sit in the Game is Conquering provinces either by negotiations or by fight.And as mentioned by friend above SPACE is a really costly resource and the only way to obtain free is by expansions.And to reduce trader fee for getting some good trades from some active neighbours and tools from daily visits it is certain that a good strategy in the game is to expand more.

"when there was no way to use the knowledge points,
and NOW they're complaining about the unfairness of it all."

The ancient Wonder is really a intelligent move by the gamers to utilise the KPs and I really appreciate the gamers with it.But only problem that he rather we complaint is the runes that we need to collect when we have completed over 100 provinces make us a bit disadvantageous over people who just login just twice or thrice use their KPs,collect resources and progress slowly and now CERTAINLY deserve the advantage given by the game.

I am sorry friend to oppose your point but it's just my view like your's.

Deleted User - 13667

Seems like this thread is posted in the wrong forum. There is no idea nor any suggestion.

Discussions can be made in other parts of the forum for the programmers to read the ideas & suggestions to improve the game.

Deleted User - 13667

That was the suggestion
Hello All,
Now, the Elvenar wiki states:

You will find Rune Shards by:
  1. Completing the Provinces in the World Map - Each Completed Province will give you a random Rune Shard for the Ancient Wonders you have already unlocked in the Tech Tree.


I guess you did not read what he mentioned earlier in the post.

"... give you a random Rune Shard ..." already answered his idea to be given.

Since this feature is already in, there is NO idea or suggestion
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Deleted User - 50840

The suggestion was to give rune shards retroactively for allready completed provinces... Which currently is not a feature of the game, but can be implemented in future if the devs so decide. Therefore... a suggestion.


give rune shards retroactively for allready completed provinces... Which currently is not a feature of the game, but can be implemented in future if the devs so decide. Therefore... a suggestion.

This exactly.
If y'all have constructive critisism, please by all means post them.
Trolling a thread for the sake of trolling is just silly.

As previous posters have said, space is the most premium of all "resources" in the game. So no, we did not rush anything, we simply played the game the way it was meant to be played so we could expand our cities.

As I've stated, I'm north of 180 provinces, and I've still not unlocked all of the expansions, so sorry Katwijk, your quote makes no sense at all.


Simple solution, actually give us Rune Shards for each of the ALREADY completed provinces. When I say us, I mean all the players, not any specific ones. Or at least from a certain benchmark (ie, give us Rune Shards for each of the ALREADY completed provinces from say completed provinces 40 and up, or 60 and up)

I agree completely with this suggestion. Thumbs. up.


Many of us have seen this opera before, and find
it rather amusing that folks RUSHED to explore the map,
when there really wasn't any need to do so, and
when there was no way to use the knowledge points,
and NOW they're complaining about the unfairness of it all.

So the more complete players get to hog the spotlight for a while.
We've wisely managed our resources and we CERTAINLY deserve
to enjoy the advantages provided by our superior logistics abilities.

Please explain to me how you could have NOT have
realized that something major was just over the horizon?

You forget expansions are gained from provinces and not just KP. Meanwhile KP stacks if you had completed the tech tree and sat with 10/10, if you decide to do more provinces for the expansions of course.

Feel free to try again though. Your posts are usually good, I cannot understand why this one wasn't thought out properly.


I agree that the players that have been playing longest are getting the dirty end of the stick . There should to make it more fair be a calculation done for the number of provenances that have been cleared so that gaining runes is done more evenly .

But if you have been playing these games for a while you soon get used to the fact that Inno are happy as long as they are getting their CASH . At the end of the day that is all they are concerned about . If you have ever had the total displeasure of talking to their customer services you will know what I mean .


i had changed my strategy several weeks ago . pretty much ignoring the Provence expansion in favor of expansion by research . i got pretty feed up with needing more and more provinces to gain another expansion . so , i just got to the point of these very fine building additions and i have to once more waste resources to get runes ,to build them . Necro Dee. has a valid point. even though i am not as invested in the map as much as he is.
of course we all know that the developers are not in it for the enjoyment of the players . they make money by selling diamonds. they make the game ..unlikely for players to progress without buying diamonds at some point, unless you have the patients of Jobe and a lot of time to kill. so i'll have to dwell on this for a while and see what develops

Deleted User - 13667

i very much doubt their income depends solely on diamonds. if it did, they would have died of starvation long ago.

Given the latest updates, it is possible to suspect too few players bothered to build the Ancient Blunder. To save face, it is now updated that you must get that research and have to get lots and lots of granite and copper just to advance in Chapter VI..

^^ Unless you unlock the AW, you have no chance to use the KP as you wait for the granites and copper