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ALL 4 1 & 1 4 ALL needs you!


10+ Chest fellowship ranked in the top 20 is in search of an established player.....any boosts accepted....serious applicants only.....please read our entire overview first, then if interested, please message me, kimkimkim, in game......I look forward to hearing from you :)


RECRUITMENT is now open for 2 ACTIVE, ESTABLISHED players....all boosts accepted.....PLEASE head over to our fellowship and read the ENTIRE overview and then message me, kimkimkim, in game if you are interested......looking forward to hearing from you :cool:


You're all in luck!!!! A spot has just opened in this amazing top 20 fellowship......come on over and check out our overview, if it sounds interesting to you then reach out and message me, kimkimkim, in game.....I hope to hear from you ;)
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Looking for a less demanding fellowship......or just looking to find a place called home....come on over and check us out, we only focus on tournaments, everything else is optional......2 spaces available for you and a friend.....message me, kimkimkim, in game if your interested :)


we are once again full....do come on over and check us out every so often....who knows, another spot just may open up again ;)


Real life has taken another long term player :(
1 space available in this top 20 fellowship......looking for a tournament player where all other aspects of the game are optional.....come on over and check out our entire overview, if it looks interesting to you, then reach out to me, kimkimkim, in game....hope to hear from you soon :)


Are you tired of the same old fellowship:rolleyes:, are you looking to try something new:cool:.....do you simply just want to be part of fellowship and reap all the rewards that comes with one:D.....look no further!!!!! ALL 4 1 & 1 4 ALL has a vacancy for someone who is active, enjoys tournaments and loves receiving help......ideally we wish for you to have Planks, Scrolls and Gems as boosts but any combination of those would be fine......come on over and read our entire overview, if we then sound interesting, please reach out and message me, kimkimkim, in game......I'm looking forward to hearing from you:)


Space has just opened up for an active player who is interested in tournaments and not soo much the others.......come check out our overview in its entirity and if it looks interesting, reach out to me, kimkimkim, in game.....I hope to hear from you :)
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Real life has taken another long term player....RECRUITING has just opened up.....come check out our overview if you have a love for tournaments with option to do spire and fellowship adventures.....message me, kimkimkim, in game if you're interested

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Here Ye, Here Ye........top 20 fellowship in search of 1 active player......you must have a love for tournaments, all other aspects of the game are optional......boosts don't matter.......come on over and read our overview in its entirety first then reach out to me, kimkimkim, or InfamousPaul, my mage, if we are what you are looking for......can't wait to hear from you :cool:
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Top 20 fellowship (presently 11th) in search of 1 active player......you must have a love for tournaments, all other aspects of the game are optional......boosts don't matter.......come on over and read our overview in its entirety first then reach out to me, kimkimkim, or InfamousPaul4, my mage, if we are what you are looking for......can't wait to hear from you :cool:
ALL 4 1 & 1 4 ALL.png


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edit - We are now searching for 2 players.....1 spot has been taken
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