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Search results

  1. Answered Light Melee troops wiped - despite light melee monument in place

    Thanks but I'm not fighting battles on the field (thus terrain is irrelevant) and I'm fully aware of the combat pentagon, but it's effectively useless when using auto-fight in the spire. When I first started fighting in the spire, I used the pentagon, but found that trying to work out the...
  2. Answered Light Melee troops wiped - despite light melee monument in place

    My light melee monument doesn't seem to give ~75% extra attack value. Auto-fighting in the spire, I tried twice -both my barracks light melee and the training ground melee hounds were almost wiped out on the first attack. Doesn't happen when I increase the light ranged unit 50% increase or...
  3. Version 1.181

    The chances of 'stumbling' across a pet food recipe have increased - can someone explain how you can 'stumble' across a pet food recipe, since I thought you could only find recipes in the MA. . Or is this some kind of techie humour that missed its mark? New recipes for pet food are added...
  4. Question Tower auto-fighting which troops

    Thank you Nymoh and Sir Derph, for your informative and helpful posts I will indeed checkout the link to the US forum. I already have Dragon Alley lvl 24, Shrooms lvl 3 , Bulward ditto 3. (both recent additions), Needles Lvl 7 As I mentinoed in my first post - due to the extremely high...
  5. Question Tower auto-fighting which troops

    Thanks for the advice, but my question was 'how do you decide which troops to use for auto-fighting in the Spire. I read in an old forum thread that it can be done with 5 x same type of troops, I also saw a Youtube video of it being done to High Halls, but there was no explanation of why...
  6. Question Tower auto-fighting which troops

    I have recently started fighting in the tower, I have been a non-fighting city, except for the lowest first level in the Spire. I started at the end of the previous chapter, now I'm in the Embassies level, however, it's only now I'm finding the Spire to be an additional enjoyable part of the...