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Search results

  1. Alamain

    Battle Improving battle: a terrain heads-up?

    Hi, Last time I asked, it was clear that the Inno team isn't planning to make manual battle available on the app. This is a shame, but I get it. Here's an alternative suggestion. What about an icon on the troop selection page that gives info on the battle terrain? Currently this can only be...
  2. Alamain

    Fighting Style

    I would pick and choose a few manual fights on the app if the option became available - some in the Spire and others in the further provinces of Tournament. The ones where I didn't trust the autofight to do the job. I'm sure others would do the same. It's a shame you say you have no plans for...
  3. Alamain

    Fighting Style

    I see this thread has been inactive for a while. Inno, do you have any plans to introduce manual fighting to the app? I would love to do occasional battles manually, but I play almost exclusively on the app, which is now far superior to the browser-based version. Phones are so much more...
  4. Alamain

    Update Discussion Phoenix of the Holy Fire

    Obviously, it's great to increase the power of the Fire Phoenix as long as there's enough pet food going around. That will be fun! I presume you will also boost the power of enemy troops? My concern is that this will exacerbate the current imbalance where high-initiative troops are far more...
  5. Alamain

    Spire rewards

    I'd just like to echo this. The Spire has been a fantastic addition to the game. But for old hands like me the constant rewards of Portal Profits and Spell Fragments has become seriously frustrating. I currently have about 4,700% of Portal Profits, and over 400k Spell Fragments. I will never be...