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Question Booster Spells


Can any one help me with a small problem? Where and how do I use the "Time Booster Spells". I am new to this game only being playing about a week
For the record I live in Australia


Nearly anywhere in the game!
Whenever you have a waiting time, say for production of resources, for building/upgrading, for sending out a scout, for producing troops in the barracks, for crafting in the Magic Academy and all the other places I just forgot.
If you click on the building in question you will see your time progress, just behing the progress bar you will see a button (Not sure if all versions of the game always have an hourglass on it), anyway click the button and you get the option to select any of your timeboosts to shorten the waiting time.


Go to the building or activity (click on it) which you like to boost. There will be a button with a hourglass. In general also a button with diamonds, so be sure to select the right one. Click on the button with the hourglass and your available timeboosters will appear. Select the timeboosters you like to use. Hope this helps.


Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
@Torkan2021 the green button with the hourglass allows the usage of Time Boosters, the blue button with a Diamond is for the usage of Diamonds.


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
@Torkan2021 I love a visual... :D

So... if you have any Time Boosts in your inventory... As @Solanix has mentioned, you'll see the Hourglass Button (circled) in red on most things you can use them on... Press that, and it will take you to a screen where you can choose which Time Boost you would like to use. Alternatively, if you wish to use Diamonds to speed up the progress of anything, you press the Blue Button circled in Green.

Time Boosts.png


These are all great answers provided you even have any time boosts in storage....if not you gonna need to make some in the magic academy first, then you will be able to use them on buildings


Been playing about a week …. likely do not have Magic Academy yet, nor the resources to make anything in it. Nor a Spire where time boosts can be won. Best bet at this point is to play the event as far as you can. Anything won there will help you in future.


These are all great answers provided you even have any time boosts in storage....if not you gonna need to make some in the magic academy first, then you will be able to use them on buildings

I doubt someone would be asking about how to use something if they didn´t have it in the first place, there are enough problems to solve early on without the need to wonder about solving problems one doesn´t have (yet) :D


I doubt someone would be asking about how to use something if they didn´t have it in the first place, there are enough problems to solve early on without the need to wonder about solving problems one doesn´t have (yet) :D


In general also a button with diamonds, so be sure to select the right one.

Hi @Torkan2021.

You have had a few very helpful replies. Regarding the 'diamonds' button: There is an option in the game settings (bottom right of screen) to always prompt before you spend diamonds. I have this set to always ask me if I'm sure before I spend valuable diamonds.

I never use diamonds to accelerate or time boost. Time is free and I can always wait if I don't have enough time boosters. But that's just my choice.