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Army Camp Selection

Autumn Goldleaf

Hi, I thought it might be a good idea to have a selection button to choose between default Army Camps.
For example, when fighting my way up the Spire, I like to select Barracks for the first stage, Training Grounds for the second, and then Mercenary Camp for the third stage.
Instead of having to scroll through every fight to select which Camp I use, I would only have to change the selection once for each Stage.
Similarly for Tournament...


I'd prefer to have all 15 troops on one page and skip the selection training sources part entirely.
Something like this would work for me. I tend to use troops from all over, not just one training facility per battle.



Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Hi, I thought it might be a good idea to have a selection button to choose between default Army Camps.
For example, when fighting my way up the Spire, I like to select Barracks for the first stage, Training Grounds for the second, and then Mercenary Camp for the third stage.
Instead of having to scroll through every fight to select which Camp I use, I would only have to change the selection once for each Stage.
Similarly for Tournament...


Put down 20 ELRs
Holy powers of providence Batman! Where the heck does one get even ten from? I try to craft and save 5 or 6 for when my FS goes for a Gold Spire, but that's about my limit. I won't say how many weeks it takes me to gather 5 or 6.



Master of the Elements
Holy powers of providence Batman! Where the heck does one get even ten from? I try to craft and save 5 or 6 for when my FS goes for a Gold Spire, but that's about my limit. I won't say how many weeks it takes me to gather 5 or 6.

View attachment 8512
Haha, yeah 20 will take a while, but so long as you have a few of those ELRs, light ranged is a very strong troop type. The idea is to be able to kill enemies in one hit. If you can do that then it doesn't matter how weak their defence is.