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Recent content by Kai Gravon

  1. New Button

    I would love to see a "collect all" and "give to all" button(s) in the Neighbourly Help feature. I have so many each day I've got an RSI!
  2. Improve The Spire Graphics

    Thanks Herodite, I appreciate it
  3. Improve The Spire Graphics

    It could also be handed by The Mages. The mark of a good leader is the ability to delegate. I would prefer something everybody can see in game however as not everyone uses elvenstats
  4. Improve The Spire Graphics

    In our FS we want to reward players each week who do well on The Spire, however with the current method of small portraits to show who is where it is nigh on impossible to see who finishes where. Would it be possible to enlarge the portraits to make them easier to see and/ or have a weekly...