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Recent content by finzles

  1. finzles

    Petition: SAVE THE FORUM

    finzles + 1
  2. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    And it was an excellent point, well made.
  3. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    @CrazyWizard Ooo, they sound really interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing what turns up over the next few events!
  4. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    Then I apologise @Sir Derf Goodness knows that in the past I’ve said things that were misinterpreted.
  5. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    You don’t appear to be very pleasant, but maybe you don’t mean to be as hostile as you sound.
  6. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    And for players who don’t want that extra layer, they still get the basic ability of the building, so they’re still getting something from the building.
  7. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    This one could be useful for coin sacks during FAs
  8. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    ooo, that’s good!
  9. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    But the crux of it all is that then we are making connections between the event building and other mechanics of the game, linking things together and not only collecting more goods, supplies, troops.
  10. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    Never n Naturally I am not up to speed on the abilities provided by all AWs and other event buildings, so forgive me if any of these are too similar to anything already available within the game. I am also at a very early stage in the game, I have yet to unlock my first guest settlement, so my...
  11. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    Sorry, forgot to respond to that part. I’m glad that you liked those other buildings, they pre-date my return to the game so I haven’t seen them in action. I often see them available to craft but I only have one or two evolving spells (if I have any at all) so haven’t crafted one yet. If I...
  12. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    Okay, let’s take the Bears and the Phoenixes as examples. They were useful immediately, regardless of chapter, AND they brought a little complexity and interest. Fire Phoenix boosted troop damage power, Storm boosted MM spell effects. Polar Bear reduced the tourney province cooldown, Brown...
  13. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    Which is great once you’re in a chapter which requires seeds… What are we supposed to do, spend a ton of RRs upgrading it every chapter just so we can finally get seeds? ‍
  14. finzles

    Interesting event buildings - spice it up!

    I have recently returned to the game after a long hiatus. I started a new city because I was totally overwhelmed by my old chapter xv city, I couldn’t remember how it all worked. I remember the glory days of events: bears, phoenixes, amazing combos. I gotta say that I am so bored by the recent...
  15. finzles

    Answered Scouting

    I contacted support and it’s fixed! Looks as though they’ve reset it, the next batch of provinces are all easy now. Thank goodness.