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Zodiac for early chapter players


Dear developers! I thank you much and much and much for the great game you created and generous events that keep people happy!
I am in fifth chapter now.
Previous event of harmony made me sell most of my rewards to complete tasks for catalysts and spell fragments. Which was sad. Now i dont have inventory full of unneeded stuff... Nothing extra. And 17 vapor was a painful blow for me. I had to use all my time boosters. And tere is tournament running... I cant dream of spire, too poor yet. Task for 17 vapor took my everything. And during 2 days i monitored the Academy, but there was nothing i would want or need to craft. Yes i passed the task... Got the thing i dont need at all. And feel very sad.
I do donate to the game, you can check it, my priority now is space. So i had some diamonds to add where time boosters were not enough. I dont feel any happy ((
Can you please reduce the amount of vapor needed by number of chapter the player is in? If i needed only 5 vapors id scratch my forehead go to a academy and saying different words of annoyance in latin do the task. But i would not feel so bad. I got 40 keys which can bring me both some good reward or again unneeded. When event is lottery like getting keys should not be that hard. Please! Please! Please!
Unfortunately the Magic Academy is like this most cycles. The worst culprit is the offering of Relics which you should never ever need to craft. If you have not unlocked the Spire yet then your Sips of Clarity count will be 0 or not far off it meaning you have to wait those 6 hours til refresh.

Even at the higher chapters using Time Boosters (if you have them) can seem a waste so those 17 Vision Vapours can take days to finish unless the 'premium' building or artefact that appears is something you want (and can afford), which I believe is another problem when your still in the early chapters!


Don’t forget that the event last a long time, you shouldn’t need to use time boosters or diamonds to speed up the magic academy. When an event is running I craft something I do want in the MA, but don’t collect it until I have a request for vapour.


Don’t forget that the event last a long time, you shouldn’t need to use time boosters or diamonds to speed up the magic academy. When an event is running I craft something I do want in the MA, but don’t collect it until I have a request for vapour.
Thank you for your good advise!
When other players. completed 35 task, i dont feel good stuck on 12. I want to finish up evolution of the pet and that forces me to hurry. Other tasks might be hard too. Or need time.
And there was a good reward of the day. I wanted keys too.


Unfortunately the Magic Academy is like this most cycles. The worst culprit is the offering of Relics which you should never ever need to craft. If you have not unlocked the Spire yet then your Sips of Clarity count will be 0 or not far off it meaning you have to wait those 6 hours til refresh.

Even at the higher chapters using Time Boosters (if you have them) can seem a waste so those 17 Vision Vapours can take days to finish unless the 'premium' building or artefact that appears is something you want (and can afford), which I believe is another problem when your still in the early chapters!
I agree @Valedoress. I must plead guilty to using time boosts in the MA sometimes though. Opening that 'collect 17 vision vapours' quest is like a kick to the head every time. :)


As a new player (Fairies after two and a half months of playing), I completely agree with @Flamele.
Being asked for 17 vision vapours practically immediately after unlocking crafting feels like punishment.

Don’t forget that the event last a long time, you shouldn’t need to use time boosters or diamonds to speed up the magic academy. When an event is running I craft something I do want in the MA, but don’t collect it until I have a request for vapour.
While this is excellent advice and works wonderfully from chapter VI onwards (after one has played a couple of spires and can afford to throw away some sf and cc, because often ‘something I want’ means whatever useless thing gives me 17 catalyst) the fact remains that before that point the player has to sell and disenchant hard earned useful things in order to obtain the useless ‘what I want’.
I can see how endgamers will find other quests a lot more annoying and worthy of never being seen in the quest list.
However, many assumptions have been made on the forums regarding what kind of quests would stop a new player from completing events. Now I think Flamele has managed to identify the actual killjoy. It’s not having to buy countless kp you don’t actually want, nor is it getting tons of relics. It’s having to face an empty inventory with no new buildings waiting to be placed.
The inventory is going to fill up again, of course. What Flamele is asking is why take the joy out of those early days?


Being asked for 17 vision vapours practically immediately after unlocking crafting feels like punishment.
You'll be getting that feeling at regular intervals throughout the game @3lfie. :)

I think it's part of Inno's carrot-and-stick methodology to mess with our heads. :p

Keep your posts coming mate. The game has high points as well as low points. For me the high's prevail. :cool:


Thank you all for participation in discussion.
I believe developers try to make us use different game options just not to forget they are. But beta players dont have 1 thing they dont "live" in their city. So to loose all you have is ok. Which gives real players a different sad feeling.
That is why this moment was uncounted.


We on Beta have  tried giving feedback but they do not heed us anymore.
There's so little true respect left in the world today. What there is has been hijacked by special interest groups.

I'm not a beta campaigner @Lelanya, but I admire the tremendous efforts you have made on our collective behalf. :cool: