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Wolf Pack © is recruiting!


Wolf Pack © on EN1 Arendyll is currently looking for active spire and tourney players!

We're a fun, friendly and drama-free fellowship that likes to do well in spire and tournaments. We unlock all 12 spire chests weekly (gold trophy), we easily unlock the first 10 tournament chests every week for the Blueprint, most weeks we open around 13-15 chests because we also like the extra Royal Restoration :)

To stimulate growth and Ancient Wonder upgrading we have KP swap threads of 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100 and 150KP.

We also organise fun guessing games or (easy) competitions with free KP rewards for our fellows! :D

If you're interested in joining us, kindly read the requirements below:

1. Complete at LEAST 2 levels in the Spire every week (in other words; defeat the big boss/Frog, reach Laboratory level, and collect at least 42 essence points). Top/3rd boss is the aim.
2. Contribute at LEAST 1000 points in Tournament every week, 1600 or more is preferred.
3. City size of at least 150k*
4. Willing to perform neighbourly help 5+ times a week, in accordance with the fellow’s NH request.
5. We're not Fellowship Adventure fanatics, we mostly go for stage rewards, but every few FA’s we consider going for a top 10 spot. Participation isn't mandatory, but moderate enthusiasm for playing FA would be considered a plus :) When participating, following the FA-plan is required.
6. Communication is key, please check your in-game mails regularly and if you’re going to be away for >2 days, please let us (or at least the Archmage) know.

*if you are a very active player who can at least meet the spire and tourney requirements, then we have no problem waiving the 150K size requirement ;)

If you’d like to join, and you meet the above stated requirements, then please apply by messaging me (C-Nymph) in-game, and please tell us something about yourself and your playstyle :)

Thank you in advance for showing interest!