At this time the only way (as far as i know) to get the blueprint is to win the final chest in the fellowship tournaments. You need to be in a good fellowship and even then it is very difficult to get.
This is correct, it will be stored somewhere in your digital storage as having been won and if you click on a Magic Residence or other building where one is a needed item, then it will not show as a RED 1 on the Upgrade requirements page. If you hover over the RED 1, it will tell you how many Blueprints you have or have not got.
To date, I have not personally won one myself but I can advise that the upgrade cost to take a Magic Residence to the next level (4) from base level (3) was a small amount of Diamonds, I cannot recall the actual amount precisely. It would seem that to go to level 5, a Magic Residence without a Blueprint will cost in Diamonds what is shown in this image: