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Version 1.97


Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to discuss the changes we're bringing with the update to version 1.97. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


I just wanna say something,no offense.But won't this affect our Tournament score coz of Trading.I will lose my 2000 score :mad: :mad: :mad:


Glad to see the FS will open on members page in mobile again.
Still no mention of when all browser players will get the new NH system.
Is Beta getting short of players ? We seem to be getting a few prompts to open a Beta account over the last few months.


Glad to see the FS will open on members page in mobile again.
Still no mention of when all browser players will get the new NH system.
Is Beta getting short of players ? We seem to be getting a few prompts to open a Beta account over the last few months.
Somewhere on beta I read a speculation that the new NH system actually led to a drop in the amount of NH given and for that reason it might not be released as it is, but later with some changes. It was in no way information from mods, though.
I do not play in browser, but from what I read the new system is not available on the world map, right? Supposedly people were happily doing the new NH, but way less the old one.

And to stay on topic: I too am happy about the promised change of default FS page to the members list in the app. And the changes to stars rating in the trader is very very promising; I’m very much curious and looking forward to this change.


Somewhere on beta I read a speculation that the new NH system actually led to a drop in the amount of NH given and for that reason it might not be released as it is, but later with some changes.
I really hope it's not true. I can't wait to get it. Giving NH is the only FS related activity I tend to forgo because it's so tedious. And I don't understand how come it needs do much time to be rolled out to everyone. We got some new features like the spire or the new trader all at the same time, why not this?


I really hope it's not true. I can't wait to get it. Giving NH is the only FS related activity I tend to forgo because it's so tedious. And I don't understand how come it needs do much time to be rolled out to everyone. We got some new features like the spire or the new trader all at the same time, why not this?
If the delay means they’ll provide the new NH interface everywhere, just as it is in the app, than it isn’t such a horrible thing. Or is it really?
On the other hand I totally understand your frustration and impatience. I also wish they’d give you all the new NH system soon! Then maybe they’ll have more resources to provide us with the KP donations in the app. A little bit selfish motivation here, but I’m sure it counts too. ;-)


If the delay means they’ll provide the new NH interface everywhere, just as it is in the app, than it isn’t such a horrible thing. Or is it really?
On the other hand I totally understand your frustration and impatience. I also wish they’d give you all the new NH system soon! Then maybe they’ll have more resources to provide us with the KP donations in the app. A little bit selfish motivation here, but I’m sure it counts too. ;-)
Ofc it not horrible but it's very annoying for those of us who play mostly on pc. And I see 0 rereasons why they wouldn't apply it to all player. Even if it's not yet perfect it's still 100x better than the system we (some of us) have now. We could have used the new system as it is while they do their tinkering and improve it.


What about fixing the wholesaler?
If tier 2 and 3 are no longer that much more valuable than tier 1 the wholesaler should reflect this.
The ratios there are ridiculous. I could never justify the prices to 'buy' tier 2 and tier 3 using coins or supplies.


I agree with you 100% but we have already been told that the new values will affect only the star ratings in the wholesaler.


I think its gone too far the other way and will have no qualms crosstiering the other direction now. Trade should never be looked down upon, if you don't like a trade don't take it.


As a smaller player I don't like the new trade ratios between tiers. It's hard enough to grow as it is.


The original announcement says Inno's calculations suggest it is nearer 1.5. I don't know how they did those calculations, so I can't comment.


Master of the Elements
I have traded at 1:1.5 for a long time now so it makes sense to me. It could be different for others depending on how cities are set up.