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My comment in no way diminishes the importance of points made about needing to teleport these buildings. As I've said before, though, I'm beyond believing that they don't know how to do it. I just think they like weakening the teleport spell by loading us up with buildings that it doesn't work on.
I don't find them worthless. I don't change my city a lot anyway so if I think one is worth having in my city I will build it. The only downside for me is not being able to clear as much space for an FA. Worst case scenario, you can still build it, but delete it when the FA comes around next. Then you've still had some worth from it.Adding evolving buildings that can’t be teleported doesn’t devalue the TP spell for me, it renders the evolvable prizes mostly worthless. Some of them have chapter independent effects good enough stiff the space. Most do not.