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Upcoming spire changes




I didn't know or expect the spire changes to include new quests, that's a surprise.


They cut down the amount of diamonds for reaching gold. Not amused.
Same here @Galve and I know my fs mates are feeling the same. A drop from 275 diamonds a week too 100 diamonds? Really?
Neither impressed or amused at this particular change, the one reason most people got to the top of the spire was due to the diamond rewards.
Cheap Buggers, really not impressed or happy about this particular change. Really not happy about this, at all.
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I didn't realise there would be no diamonds for team targets on spire. I spent more than I won this week
The only alternative for me is to auto-fight my way to the top. But it takes me a ridiculous number of troop boost buildings (e.g. Dwarven Armorer, etc.) Even then there appears the occasional nasty chest/gate that must be paid for.


I always said going to the top was not worth the outlay required and now the gods have proven me right.

Better roll out those Genies, Goddesses and fire up the Magic Academy if I want some diamonds... :confused:
I always said going to the top was not worth the outlay required and now the gods have proven me right.

Better roll out those Genies, Goddesses and fire up the Magic Academy if I want some diamonds... :confused:
Well, that's worth a try. If my experience is any guide though, I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting for diamonds to appear.

When I gain any Goddesses now I disenchant the trash immediately. Genies are far better value for other rewards. Diamonds? Not so much. :)


For 30 days and 4 measly squares those Goddesses are worth putting down. I get a fair share of diamonds each time so can't grumble.
Carting Libraries on the other hand are not so popular since I am fast running out of AW to put those KPs on and Chapters 16+ Research trees takes ages to unlock new dumping grounds.