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We are in a similar neck-of-the-woods @Sir Derf .I'm Chapter 18, and I've got 7 LVl39 Armories, and I'm sure that doesn't get me anywhere near the top 20...
Currently I'm at the end of chapter 14 with three at level 33.I'm booking last place.
Chap15 with one level 35 armoury
I'll take second last then.Currently I'm at the end of chapter 14 with three at level 33.
However, these were the armouries I put in storage shortly after getting a Dwarven Bulwark and I did the last seven chapters with zero.
I very much doubt that!!
I know where you're coming from. I can use troops for the first page of the tournament rounds, and then need to cater. And I know I need a few troop boost buildings to get past the High Halls on the Spire.I'll see how this works out, and then adjust it if I have to.
I'm not great at fighting so I probably waste a lot of troops, but I'll find a good balance eventually.
No expense account @Sir Derf? Do they at least give you a dental plan?As an Official Unofficial Guinness Elvenar Judge, a point of clarity - we don't get reimbursed for travel.