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This is one of the silliest story quests I've seen so far...


...I rather believe that an alternative was added later if you had already sold the fortress when the quest came, because in earlier chapters it was the case that you often had the quest, the old portal (from the previous chapter ) to sell and if that was already sold, you had to build another portal (it doesn't matter which one) and sell that so that the quest would be solved - and the ultimate matter is already gone too...but according to the story, first it's all about the ultimate matter - that is to be handed over for the ultimate power to unlock...

...and if you have to produce non-bonus goods, it often has to do with the story - because something specific needs to be produced...so it doesn't make sense for your playing, but it fits into the story...

...sorry, I forgot to retranslate before I saved it....
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