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Closed | Archived This Bug is Bugging me


Coin storage stopping at xx.99999.
See images
coin storage.PNG
coin house.PNG

on collecting from the previous residence the coin storage said 4398K so only needing 2000 to fill, the storage stops at 4399999 therefore losing 600 coins, then if pressing the next house i would lose 2862 coins, when only 1 coin is needed to grey out the other residences.
so if my house was full of coins, i would have lost 26999 for the sake of 1 coin needed to fill the storage.

i see this happen regularly and i thought it time to say something about it, im sure the same happens to everybody...


That problem has been around for a long time now and has been mentioned many times so i think the devs either can't or won't do anything about it.


There is a reason that it happens in this way. As you know , there are many bonus action that affect the coins that you collect, and these result in many fractions of coins, and these fractions are not displayed, otherwise your coin balance could end up reading something like, 4,399,999.4651324

The game keeps a track of these fractions, so that you always get the exact amount of coins that you are due, but unfortunately the side effect can be the issue that you say. So your coins could be 4,399,999.4651324 .
Now the game looks at this and sees you have not reached the maximum coin collection, so lets you collect, but there is no room to add the coins so they get lost. It is a programming issue at fault, but as a player you can take action to help solve the issue.

Simply spend some money (changing the amount unseen), and then collect coins again. In most cases this is enough to change the numbers so that you hit the maximum, and therefore will lose no more.

The devs are aware of the issue, and I am sure its on the list of things to fix.


It's worse when it's the Main Hall collection that's a part of it as the losses & visit are wasted.Once you get used to it you tend to reduce the amount before collection.



Thank you for the report. As @Heartman said, developers are aware of this. It is hard to reproduce and to solve but they are on it too. As it is reported, I will close the thread.
