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The Legion of might calls for new blood


The call goes out for heroes of Elvenar to join the legion of might.

We are a ragtag group of adventures who are strong with friendship and are regular players. We allow you to be who you are a support each other. some come and join our merry band.

RECRUITING Come join us! We are seeking more ACTIVE players!

We are a friendly and laid back fellowship. Join us and let's help each other grow and prosper.

We have few rules, however they MUST be followed.

Fair trades! 2*+ trades only! I need what you produce and you need what I produce. Let's help each other prosper and grow.

Neighborly Help visits at least 4 times a week. Daily is preferred.

Help out with the tournaments and adventures. We all benefit from this and reap the rewards.

No drama or discord!

Above all... Relax, Have FUN, and enjoy the game.


am interested in a fellowship that has fair trades, let me know if you are interested