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the gang, a fellowship that keeps getting better


We had a small fs, and then one day we were contacted, can we join you? Seems something happened and so the majority of a troubled group joined us, We also took in newbies (we were a very small fs) The players are active and I keep hearing how glad they were they came to this fs, no drama, people asked if they want to go for 10 chests, do people have ideas about fs adventure and so on. Decisions are made with the chance to speak up and influence direction.
The newbies have burst through beginning levels and now are adding a lot to the tourney play. We are getting 10 chests - not yet weekly but well on the way.
We would like others to join us and share in the rewards which are becoming more frequent.
Competitive in a good way, pleasant people and we enjoy the game.
Join - the gang - directly - or message myself or another in the group if you have questions
Thank you