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'The Forbidden Ruins' questline event - started in Beta Jan 2022


I like the idea of less FAs, they are an occasional bit of 'fun' to help bond the team, so an event to hopefully help those who didn't complete the Winter Magic questline is quite welcome. As an aside I read the headline banner as Event Starts in Beta on Jan 22....... thought I'd found out how Jack gets in first with his helpful information, with time travel. Turns out I need to go to the opticians :)


A new questline event starts in Beta on Thursday - so it looks like we are not getting a Fellowship Adventures.
I will post full details in a Google Doc just as soon as I have more information, probably on the day it starts.
Happy New Year!!
Almost certainly we will get those multi-purpose artifacts in Tomes in the next event to give us the choice to finish our evolving building - and I suspect that may be why they invented them, so we could have fewer 'compulsory' FA's.
If that is the case, many of us will heave a sigh of relief...

Thats quite the assumption you make as we havent had an FA in januari for 3 years in a row now.
So to connect no FA to tomes is quit the stretch of your imagination


It was not an 'assumption' - I said 'I suspect that may be...' Not the same thing at all!
Only time will tell.
That is a valuable as I am saying that I suspect the next wonder will have a spire reduction because my hula hoop told me so.

It could have made sense to suspect that of last few years we had an FA in januari which we had not. then you could come up with that conjecture


Cool, bloosom mages in the set, the CC together with it is also nice.
Do you have the rest of the benefits of the buildings in the set? I can´t find this info yet.


Thats quite the assumption you make as we havent had an FA in januari for 3 years in a row now.
So to connect no FA to tomes is quit the stretch of your imagination
Not really a "stretch of imagination ", but an educated guess and it looks like that Jack was right .


Not really a "stretch of imagination ", but an educated guess and it looks like that Jack was right .
Based on what? on the fact there wasnt a FA adventure after the december event for the past few years? because of that he is right because we have no FA this year?

I have a pretty good track record at guessing there next move. but there is no reason to assume they are going to do less FA because of tomes. (doesn't exlude the possibility there there is no good reason to assume that)
There is not cell in my brain that connects tomes to less FA.

In fact last FA we had tomes as the prizes instead of artefacts.
so this is only wishfull thinking from someone who dislikes FA grasping at straws


I have a pretty good track record at guessing there next move.
*sarcasm on* We are so fortunate to have you here with us, what would we do without you...

There is not cell in my brain
Your words, not mine lol. *sarcasm off*
There is no need to react so aggressively to Jack's post, he merely expressed his thoughts. Based on the fact that many people really hate FAs, it would be an intelligent move on Inno's part, to make them less frequent.


Almost certainly I hope very much that we will get those multi-purpose artifacts in Tomes in the next event to give us the choice to finish our evolving building - and I suspect hope that may be why they invented them, so we could have fewer 'compulsory' FA's.
If that is the case, many of us will heave a sigh of relief...
Ok, here, I fixed it. Let’s move on everyone. ;)


So do they offer any additional Boblin's Express artifacts in this new event?
So far, not. And I must say that is a bit puzzling; I was expecting more Tomes with artifact choices like what they did with Witch Hut / Summoning Circle. The only Tomes this time have a choice of KP and Supply and Coin Instants.
But we have not seen more than 20 prizes yet - and they may still change the version that goes to Live.


Disclaimer: Use this information at own risk! There are other methods that can be used to calculate 'Best Beacon' that give different results to the method I used. I am not particularly interested in ‘mathematical play’, but have included this for those who are.

Note that it may perhaps be better to take the smaller of two chests that are similar in expected yield, even if it is fractionally less likely to give the item you want. This is because if you don’t get the item you want, you will waste a lot more S K on the big chest - which you could use better on another, more advantageous chest.

Best Beacon at the top of list, using the least Sorcerer's Knowledge; worst at the bottom.


Full event information is in this Google Doc: https://tinyurl.com/3j877v5s

Sir Derf

I am not particularly interested in ‘mathematical play’, but have included this for those who are.

Note that it may perhaps be better to take the smaller of two chests that are similar in expected yield, even if it is fractionally less likely to give the item you want. This is because if you don’t get the item you want, you will waste a lot more S K on the big chest - which you could use better on another, more advantageous chest.
Just to point out, the provisionally offered suggestion is an example of non-mathematical play. If the math says the more expensive chest is the better pick, it's the better pick. You're not guaranteed to get a winner with every pick of the mathematically better option, and when you don't, you haven't 'waste[d] a lot more S K on the big chest'. And yes, you could get a higher payout from multiple smaller chests, but that doesn't shift the mathematical assessment of that smaller chest from 'fractionally less likely to give the item you want' to 'more advantageous chest'.


Just to point out, the provisionally offered suggestion is an example of non-mathematical play. If the math says the more expensive chest is the better pick, it's the better pick. You're not guaranteed to get a winner with every pick of the mathematically better option, and when you don't, you haven't 'waste[d] a lot more S K on the big chest'. And yes, you could get a higher payout from multiple smaller chests, but that doesn't shift the mathematical assessment of that smaller chest from 'fractionally less likely to give the item you want' to 'more advantageous chest'.
o_O ouch! Can you, please, summarize your math dissertation?
If I want the set but I do not care about dailies, you mean is better to go for little/ cheaper beacons?


I usually go for the 2 most expensive beacons, because they have the best filler prizes and a possibility to score some extra event currency. Even if I am not lucky with extra currency, at least I'm happy with things that I get from those beacons.