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Surplus Rune Shards can be swapped for Knowledge Points - now in Beta


All the experienced players have been asking for years, what to do with the thousands of rune shards that you are never going to use, even for upgrades. Here is the answer - you can use them to contribute Knowledge Points to the research of their Ancient Wonders in your own city (10 KP), or contribute them to another players' Ancient Wonders (15 KP).

Please let the designers know how you like this feature, or if you notice any issues with it in our discussion thread:

That is a serious lot of KP being given away - considering that I have several thousand Rune Shards that I am never going to use...



Err, it's 10kp PER INDIVIDUAL SHARD??? Even more if given away?
I've only being playing 18 months or so, but even for me that's a LOT of kp - I'm in the hundreds on all the early wonders.

There's going to be a lot of low-level players getting free upgrades - multiple complete levels - from the players with maxed AWs!


I am not so sure this is a wise move - I have several thousands of rune shards; if I give them all away that is about 30 000+ KP I am going to be injecting into my friend's games.
That is going to bring the Law of Unforeseen consequences strongly into play - and someone is sure to find a way to work the system in a way that the designers do not intend; we will have to see what is the result...


This is a great new feature, I don't understand, why people have to complain about it. Who cares if new players or players with push accounts will benefit a lot; as long as I benefit too, I don't see a problem. AWs require too many KP to level them up. I remember when I just started playing and I saw how many KP are required for AWs, I was stunned and thought: "I guess they want us to spend decades on upgrading them". This is a very welcome game update, thank you Inno.


I don´t know if this is a good Idea, it would have been cool if those extra shards could be turn into 1 to 5 kp, but 10 and 15? That´s too much, I would be having like 150000 KP for free, and the players that KP hunt and have multiple accounts will have even much more, they would easily upgrade all their AWs at just one shot. Sorry, I don´t like this new feature.


I don´t know if this is a good Idea, it would have been cool if those extra shards could be turn into 1 to 5 kp, but 10 and 15? That´s too much, I would be having like 150000 KP for free, and the players that KP hunt and have multiple accounts will have even much more, they would easily upgrade all their AWs at just one shot. Sorry, I don´t like this new feature.
Who cares.

I look at it differently, it allows new users a faster way to level up there wonders and play in the same league as more veteran players without the need for cheating.


The runes must match the wonder, they cannot be used cross-wonders. The veteran players with loads and loads of runes have probably their preferred wonders on high (or max) levels anyway, so it kind of balances itself automatically. The crap runes remain to be unusable crap.

Personally I like it. And I’m looking forward helping my fellowship friends with the best wonders (Timewarp, Monastery, …) which I have already maxed or at least past last rune circle. And also swapping runes with them in other wonders which we don’t have maxed yet.


Who cares.

I look at it differently, it allows new users a faster way to level up there wonders and play in the same league as more veteran players without the need for cheating.
Funny how you cry out for imbalances in tournament when you clearly don´t see the imbalances that this issue would create.
Players will complete their AWs till 31th level in just one time.This will completely change the game, this is another precipitate action from Inno, the same brown bears in the time they were introduced.


AWs provide huge benefits and I don't see why we should wait for decades (yep, I said it again) to enjoy them. In other games, you wouldn't wait for years to enjoy some end game gadgets, giving you some extra power or whatever. I am playing since January 2018 and my tournament scores are not low, I don't hunt and I don't have any push accounts and I have only a few AWs on a high level. I'll repeat, this is a great game update, as @CrazyWizard said, it would make this game more enjoyable for new players, increasing Inno's revenue and extending lifespan of Elvenar. Furthermore, I would make all runes interchangeable on our own AWs, because there are a few that none of us will ever build.


- There are lot of things that would increase inno revenue that I myself have posted in past threads and more interested stuff players have also published in all these years, stuff that would be more interested to put in action in the game and would get more attention from new incomers (manually fighting in App, Several new buildings to help new players to grow, posibility to buy brown bears/phoenix bases, new AWs that help players with imbalances...) than just giving away hundred of thousand of free KP.
-This would benefit primerly to medium and ending game players, since these are the ones who have more unused shards, new players won´t have that many, so they still won´t be benefited that much.
- Exists a big contradiction in what Inno is doing right now with the introduction of these new features. Now they are offering thousands of KP for free, but remember that in the past years they introduced a new tourney system focused especially in not allowing players to get huge amounts of KP, so what´s the logic behind it?
- NO..... A game that gives you all easy and free TURNS BORED. If you easily can upgrade all your AWs all that easily what´s the purpose of playing tourney for the KP? What´s the relevance of the AWs research? With this change they devaluate KP, they devaluate Ancient Wonders, they devaluate tournament importance and they devaluate the game itself, it all turns bored.


I don't have push accounts and I have very high wonder levels. I know the juicy KP morsels are above provinces 10+ in tourney so I worked to do better in tourney. We've also switched to pile-on method for wonder building with the majority of the FS participating. I have someone in chap 5 with a lvl 30 GA already and a few about to follow her footsteps. As their Needles and Monasteries (early wonders accessible to most) increase, they do better in tourney too and we increase our tourney chests to gain more free AWPS, which gets contributed back to everyone's wonders. Playing as a team does wonders :)


- NO..... A game that gives you all easy and free TURNS BORED. If you easily can upgrade all your AWs all that easily what´s the purpose of playing tourney for the KP? What´s the relevance of the AWs research? With this change they devaluate KP, they devaluate Ancient Wonders, they devaluate tournament importance and they devaluate the game itself, it all turns bored.
Absolutely true, but on the other hand, if the end game feels unatainable it also makes a game less interesting.
Thats why portal profits where once introduced. and thats why tournament rewards (especially the end prize) was also improved from 60/70/80?(so long I forgot) to 140.
This fits perfectly in line with that.
Some of us have a 6 year headstart, asking others to reach what we have by playing the same rules, means that goal will be impossible forever.

So I think this change fits perfectly in that idea, Now I admit that 10/15 feels a bit steep (especially compared to the chest rewards in wonders)
But I do not really mind it.


So I think this change fits perfectly in that idea, Now I admit that 10/15 feels a bit steep (especially compared to the chest rewards in wonders)
But I do not really mind it.

This, I have to repeat myself, is my whole argument, it is too much kp per shard, it would harm the game if this remains at 1 shard x10/15 kp, if they diminish that amount it would be aceptable, and welcome from my part.


This, I have to repeat myself, is my whole argument, it is too much kp per shard, it would harm the game if this remains at 1 shard x10/15 kp, if they diminish that amount it would be aceptable, and welcome from my part.
I think they looked it from the perspective of an average user. that one would get like 10-15 runeshards a week?
So we are talking about 100-150/150-225kp a week.

To be fair thats barely more than the 10 chest reward. it's not that amazing.
Off course there will be more extreme example players, like myself, but I doubt that I am the target audience for this change.

Do not look at your own stocks, those have been collected over the years. and you're also like myself not a regular user.

I do have like tens of thousants of relics, but how many players will have 43000+ runes? even a decent fraction of that very few players would have even that.
I could say this change is insane (and it feels like insane for me) but I am an extremist with 6 years of play, 6 years of top contendership in the tournaments and I searched for wonders in the past quite a bit. I have to put that into perspective. and then look what others outside the top 1-5% achieve. then it becomes a different story.


I think they looked it from the perspective of an average user. that one would get like 10-15 runeshards a week?
So we are talking about 100-150/150-225kp a week.

To be fair thats barely more than the 10 chest reward. it's not that amazing.

I'd mostly agree that the weekly amounts for most players aren't game-breaking. Although... in provinces 10+ we currently get 11kp; this will add another 30 if traded - roughly quadrupling the kp from the tourney. And looking at some AW donation chests it looks like the runes could be worth as much KP as the current reward, so doubling the chest kp output. These are hardly small changes.

I do have like tens of thousants of relics, but how many players will have 43000+ runes? even a decent fraction of that very few players would have even that.
That's an extreme, but any long term player will have quite a stash. On my second account on which I'm not tourney focused or trying particularly hard I have around 1500 in stock after 18 months. So that's around 20 000kp once traded. Sure it's nice to get that, but it seems a bit out of scale with the rest of the game.

I think my concern, though, is more with the general point that this gives a huge boost to players mostly based on how long they've been playing - I'm sort of in the middle there so not so much biased either way. The only other game I've played much was a certain wildly successful (and profitable) mobile game made by a company in Helsinki. And they had quite consistently - and openly - the policy of trying to shrink the gap between new players and those who have been playing for 8 or 9 years. So they are continuously cutting the upgrade costs and times of the earlier stuff. Imagine Inno cutting all the upgrade costs, scout times, research costs (kp and goods) for all of chapters 1-15 by 20% or so. And then doing it again every 6 or 12 months. It was the equivalent of that. IIRC they once said the time to max out must never exceed 2 years.
Whereas this change does the exact opposite - if you compare your putative player with 43000 rune shards, and someone just starting today... the gap is already perhaps 5 years, and although the rune shard kp will help the new player somewhat, does giving the max player a stash of 500 000+ kp to be used when needed help the game?


Taking into account our human nature, most of us will want to upgrade to the max ALL of our AWs; so there should be a point in time, where all of us would have all of our AWs upgraded to the max (except the new ones, of course). That point in time would be moved a little bit closer (to 2030s lol) by this new feature. I, personally, don't care that many top players would upgrade their newest AWs even faster now, as long as it would take me a considerably lesser time to get there myself.


I'd mostly agree that the weekly amounts for most players aren't game-breaking. Although... in provinces 10+ we currently get 11kp; this will add another 30 if traded - roughly quadrupling the kp from the tourney. And looking at some AW donation chests it looks like the runes could be worth as much KP as the current reward, so doubling the chest kp output. These are hardly small changes.

That's an extreme, but any long term player will have quite a stash. On my second account on which I'm not tourney focused or trying particularly hard I have around 1500 in stock after 18 months. So that's around 20 000kp once traded. Sure it's nice to get that, but it seems a bit out of scale with the rest of the game.

I think my concern, though, is more with the general point that this gives a huge boost to players mostly based on how long they've been playing - I'm sort of in the middle there so not so much biased either way. The only other game I've played much was a certain wildly successful (and profitable) mobile game made by a company in Helsinki. And they had quite consistently - and openly - the policy of trying to shrink the gap between new players and those who have been playing for 8 or 9 years. So they are continuously cutting the upgrade costs and times of the earlier stuff. Imagine Inno cutting all the upgrade costs, scout times, research costs (kp and goods) for all of chapters 1-15 by 20% or so. And then doing it again every 6 or 12 months. It was the equivalent of that. IIRC they once said the time to max out must never exceed 2 years.
Whereas this change does the exact opposite - if you compare your putative player with 43000 rune shards, and someone just starting today... the gap is already perhaps 5 years, and although the rune shard kp will help the new player somewhat, does giving the max player a stash of 500 000+ kp to be used when needed help the game?

You should see this as a similar change.
You can spend ~800-1000K KP in wonders atm.
This is a near insurmountable task.

Allowing players to have a new source of KP to improve there wonders is more important for those that are "new" than those like my who can level any wonder to level 30 on a whim if I want to anyway.

fyi there are very few people in the world with 50K runes in stock. and besides my insane rune stock I also carry have like 150K KP in boosters on stock and 32000KP in my KP bar.
Seriously those rune KP don't help me that much. but it would help people that havent reached my level yet.