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Answered Spire wait times


I have several spells running 3 DA, and a UUU , which I’m using for the tournament...
Also makes fighting up the spire a doddle... they will have 3 hours left to run on Sunday when the Spire reopens..
So I would like to know how long the wait is at each gate... so I know how many time spells to save
Grateful if you can tell me


the wait times at each gate in the spire are as follows
  • Gate 1: 10 seconds
  • Gate 2: 3 hours
  • Gate 3: 7 hours
  • Gate 4: 9 hours
  • Gate 5: 7 hours
  • Gate 6: 7 hours
  • Gate 7: 7 hours
  • Gate 8: 12 hours
  • Gate 9: 9 hours
  • Gate 10: 9 hours
  • Gate 11: 9 hours