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Spire Improvements Comment Thread


Just a ghost on your timeline
Elvenar Team
Lots of new features. It remains to be seen how attainable and useful these 'improvements' will be.

Which players are reaching the top of the Spire by losing 'almost nothing'? It costs me an arm and a leg every week.

I'm sceptical. But maybe the Spire fights will become fairer. Pigs might fly too.


Master of the Elements
Hmm, well a lot of time is spent really not explaining much, i.e how this is going to change rewards. I'm looking forward to knowing what can be bought in this shop. Certainly the Spire has been a little depressing since the Moonstone Library set was removed. In its place they started giving out artefacts. To begin with I felt certain this was just a brief stop gap until the real Spire changes were implemented. Reason being that the artefacts are useless to most of the people most of the time. But that was an awful long time.

So maybe this is the major Spire change that has been hoped for ever since then. Obviously what everyone is wondering is - What will be the reward? Hopefully it is something and clearly they are keeping it close to the chest.


Which players are reaching the top of the Spire by losing 'almost nothing'? It costs me an arm and a leg every week.
...me for example - it's so much easier if you have 3 twilights...(got a second base plate in the event and bought a third two years ago in an special offer - it was a very good investment)..however, I also have a very high SSS - so almost nothing still means some losses...

1. encounter...
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it was google
I figured as much :)
I don't envy you having to bounce backwards and forwards between the forum and a translator. Hats off to you for having the patience.


That's a very long post that doesn't say much but here are the things that caught my attention:

The good parts:
One of these effects will be granting map expansions for our cities, one every few upgrade stages.
This sounds great, in fact in somewhat redeems the nerf of diamonds in the spire, since most people were using them for expansions anyway.

I also like the addition of the Spire merchant, I've been saving Sapphires and looking forward to exchanging them for something.

The potentially bad:
This recognition comes in the form of a new “Spire Battle Skill”, which will precisely reflect your personal level of challenge faced in the Spire, a dynamic value determining the difficulty of encounters. After each Spire Round, the Spirits will cast their judgement anew, adjusting this value accordingly. Of course, the player's achievements won't be recognised through the Spirit's judgement alone. Players with a higher Spire Battle Skill will be richly rewarded for each encounter they have successfully completed.
This whole bit that also include the pictures has sparked a red flag in my head as it sounds like: "The fight were getting to easy, especially for experienced players so now we'll make then them "personalized" in a way that no metter how many boosts you add the fight will be hard for you (because let's face it, for most players, it's not about being that experienced in fighting, it's about how many boost you place or helpful AW levels you have)."

For players who prefer diplomacy over battling, the new currency can also be earned through the Negotiation approach. The amount of currency earned will depend on how many encounters were completed consecutively.
This bit is also quite confusing: what does it mean encounter completed consecutively. Does at mean from first try? Because that's only possible on the 1st level, on the 2nd and 3rd aligning more than 2 encounter that were negotiated in only 3 tries requires a hug amount of luck. Or does it mean simply doing a few encounter in a row without exiting the Spire, even if you lose some?
And what happens if we negotiate some encounters and fight others?


Master of the Elements
The potentially bad:

This recognition comes in the form of a new “Spire Battle Skill”, which will precisely reflect your personal level of challenge faced in the Spire, a dynamic value determining the difficulty of encounters. After each Spire Round, the Spirits will cast their judgement anew, adjusting this value accordingly. Of course, the player's achievements won't be recognised through the Spirit's judgement alone. Players with a higher Spire Battle Skill will be richly rewarded for each encounter they have successfully completed.

This concerned me too, and my first thought was - Is this going to go the way of the standard mobile game - i.e. it's impossible to progress in anything. They continually ramp up the difficulty in order to match the achievement and the only way to get your nose in front is by continually paying more money. If that is the case then I won't be still here for long. It isn't a threat, but for me mobile games never ever keep my interest for more than a couple of weeks once I realise this is the same basic format.

There have been some games that have otherwise been amazing, but I have still had to walk away. It completely removes any fun from a game once you realise that this is the way. I don't think we're supposed to name other games, but there is a certain mobile tennis game. The programmers have created absolutely phenomenal game mechanics. I would happily pay £20 to have that game as a standalone, but sadly it is a mobile game and it's programmed to not let you win more than two games in a row before it throws you in with the higher group of players with the better equipment, etc. There's no way to win those next few games without buying an extra racquet or something. If you lose the games it drops you back down to the group below, and the system continues like that. After a very short while one realises the absolute futility of continuing to play the game. Even if you have the cash, it is still not rewarding your skill.

I digress at length. What I was circling back to say is that I don't believe this will be the case here. It seems like there will just be three tiers of difficulty and once you are in the top tier earning the top prizes, that's where you will still. Leastways I certainly hope that is the case.


Is this going to go the way of the standard mobile game
...I don't think so, because Elvenar is originally a browser game, not a mobile - in my opinion there should have been a separate version for the mobile phone from the beginning, but INNO decided otherwise - but many people still prefer to play on the PC (and besides, my main city is too big for the app - I'll be kicked out after 2 seconds)...


Master of the Elements
...I don't think so, because Elvenar is originally a browser game, not a mobile - in my opinion there should have been a separate version for the mobile phone from the beginning, but INNO decided otherwise - but many people still prefer to play on the PC (and besides, my main city is too big for the app - I'll be kicked out after 2 seconds)...
I hope you're right, because I can't bear to play games in the scenario like I described above.

Funny you say that about that app. It probably all depends on the hardware that we have, but for me the app version of the game is much faster and more reliable, these days, than on the PC.


...I have only problems with my main world and it doesn't matter if I try it on the phone or the tablet - I think it's because my city is the maximum size and is packed with many different buildings - so lots of data - then I have the problem that I always fall asleep when I just stupidly type with my finger - at the beginning of the neighborly help on mobile, the place where you could kick other players as a mage was right next to the help symbol - two times I almost kicked someone because I dozed off - luckily there was a query asking if I really wanted to kick xxx...


I hope you're right, because I can't bear to play games in the scenario like I described above.

Funny you say that about that app. It probably all depends on the hardware that we have, but for me the app version of the game is much faster and more reliable, these days, than on the PC.
Your absolutely correct @Pauly7 , it's the hardware that matters. Despite having the graphics output & screen resolution my poor old iPad mini 2nd Gen just couldn't handle the data flow being thrown at it. It crashed after a few minutes of play and it wasn't until I replaced it with the iPad mini 6th Gen that I even realised that the buildings were all animated!

What really gets me is how someone can play on the tiny little phone screen. Would drive me nuts.