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(server EN3) about FS and its replicated cities

Hi, today the game moved my city and I started to see mi new neighbours, I found a player with a small city and 3 bears (I figured he took a long time to get those 3 bears and didn't take advantage of that time to grow the city, I found it curious), later I found other neighbour called with a very similar city and 3rd neighbour with the same similarities. Then I realized that there was a whole FS with accounts of that type.

What do you think that he/she/they is doing? will there be a hidden message there? or was only leisured someone?

have you found other curious things of this type in the game?
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Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Hi @sors immanis 44 Would you please raise a Ticket with our Support Team with this Information. I have removed Player Names from this thread as per Forum Rules however I do thank you for your post! :)

Kind Regards


rock stream

I see lots of cities with 4 players with the same name plus a 1 or 2 or a...
A fellowship of one


these are very common, but often stop playing again very soon.
i assume everybody had that great idea once to run a whole FS by himself with perfect cooperation lol, but the amount of work is too big, so the few people that act on that notion soon give up again...
very few keep it going and most of those turn into some kind of pushing scheme if they weren´t designed for it from the start. At which point they slowly run into trouble with Inno...

but it is actually not against game rules to run 25 towns by yourself as long as none of the towns benefits more than the others.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Please do not forget that it is also against the Game Rules to invite yourself to the same Fellowship, so you cannot have a Fellowship that has more than one account in it from the same player:
7 Pushing
  • Operating a “push-account” is forbidden. This is defined as unbalanced routine resource (resources, Knowledge Points etc.) transfers from one account to the next even if involved accounts do not belong to the same player.
  • It is forbidden to create trades in any form (goods, Knowledge Points etc.) that involve multiple worlds.
  • Please note that it is strictly forbidden to use the invite feature to invite yourself or players that share an internet connection with you.


so you cannot have a Fellowship that has more than one account in it from the same player:

Is that exactly what you mean to say - that 2 related accounts can never be in the same FS? Because that's not exactly what the rule says - it's states that they cannot invite each other, but doesn't prevent some other member from inviting both.

I was a bit surprised at this rule - even a cursory look around the map and people's FS shows up numerous examples where accounts are obviously family members and/or the same person just from the names (FS with the top 2 accounts being MrBear and MamaBear kind of thing). Usually just 2 or 3 accounts in a regular FS, I mean, not some 1-person pushing weirdness. One of my close locals is in a FS of 4 which seems pretty clearly to be Mr, Mrs and 2 kids.


The third bullet point on the rules of Pushing effectively means you cannot set up a personal (or family) fellowship. There is nothing in the rules to say that a player can't have two cities in a fellowship open to other players, providing they don't breach the first bullet point. (I don't see how the second bullet point is physically possible, so it is irrelevant).


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
:) Families are of course permitted to play, which is quite exceptional to Elvenar as generally if there is more than one player account using the same IP address, due to the terms and conditions we have for our games, that is not permitted to prevent cheating. These are the t&c that every player agree's to prior to beginning a game and can be found on the log in screens as well as at the bottom of our Forum pages, if anyone is unfamiliar with them.
To be clear @Silmaril:

No two players in a FS may share the same IP address ?
Families with the same IP address may all play but in different FSs ?
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Community Manager
Elvenar Team
No we are the exception here at Elvenar so we are fine with players using the same IP address to play and the same Fellowship. The issues begin if the gameplay is seen to be unbalanced, ie pushing with unfair trades and Knowledge Points.
This is why the Game Rules also state that you cannot invite yourself to the same Fellowship, to limit the opportunity to cheating in the game.


No disrespect intended whatsoever, but I think some of the rules need to be reviewed. It may have made sense once upon a time that a player having two or more cities in the same fs can unfairly advantage himself with kp and goods, but the game and what one can do, has changed.
- Once you hit the sentient goods chapters, you can trade with anyone and the percentage players in that category is growing.
- Adding kp to any wonder can be done via a mail link, you do not need to be in the same fs or on the same map.
- Goods can be given by any given player and the later day chapter cities have a far bigger production rate these days and probably don’t even notice helping little cities.

Honest players will be honest and highly unlikely that the nature of cheaters will change either. Is it not time that the rule about inviting yourself or people sharing an internet connection be scrapped as one can do from anywhere what was trying to be prevented?

Far Reach

No disrespect intended whatsoever, but I think some of the rules need to be reviewed. It may have made sense once upon a time that a player having two or more cities in the same fs can unfairly advantage himself with kp and goods, but the game and what one can do, has changed.
- Once you hit the sentient goods chapters, you can trade with anyone and the percentage players in that category is growing.
- Adding kp to any wonder can be done via a mail link, you do not need to be in the same fs or on the same map.
- Goods can be given by any given player and the later day chapter cities have a far bigger production rate these days and probably don’t even notice helping little cities.

If multiple family members want to play in the same FW, I assume that it is fine for one family member to explain the situation to his fellows/mages and ask if they would invite/accept some named family members.

As it stands, the rule serves to create a clear differentiation between honest play and cheating. Inviting a family member isn't something which the honest player should ever be forced to do (because of the alternative described above), but the ability would help a cheater. I don't see any reason to change the rule.

Honest players will be honest and highly unlikely that the nature of cheaters will change either. Is it not time that the rule about inviting yourself or people sharing an internet connection be scrapped as one can do from anywhere what was trying to be prevented?

I would say that cheating is typically more obvious when it is done from outside the FW. The rule also prohibits one player FWs (such as the one which this thread appears to relate to). Presumably Inno can detect multiple cities corresponding to the same IP and the rule allows them to act when needed.


Please clarify. If I have 4 different-same-abode-family members using the same computer, different accounts playing Elvenar, no issues? If those four accounts are me, no issues? If we all have cellphones, tablets, PCs... we can all play in the same fs? Of course they all have different avatar names, and there is only one Thorly! But if there is Thorly1, Thorly2... I can play them all in different f/s' with my tablet, Cellphone, and PC? Then why can I not play them within the same f/s? Please clarify.


"This is why we can't have nice things"....

Because the temptation to self-benefit (dare I say, self-pleasure) one's self, is overwhelming.

This is the line that Inno drew (but arguably rarely enforced, based on years of posts complaining of such activity with years of follow up postings asking for any progress/updates on why those individuals/fellowships were permitted to remain).

It might have been a line drawn because Inno considered this easier to investigate or censure. Who knows the reality within the minds of Inno decision makers?


Master of the Elements
Just playing Devil's Advocate - Isn't there, or wasn't there, a system where people joining the game on the mobile app get/got assigned a generic city name which looked very similar to all others of the same type?

A group of these people could have all joined a fellowship together.

Some people could then have taken the decision to keep their cities small and efficient to be better equipped to play tournaments and spire (I have one of those.)

It's possibly unlikely and I would definitely be happy if Support / Inno is going to try to weed out any rule breakers, but the possibility is one good reason why people aren't named and shamed and why it's good not to cast aspersions too early.