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Reinstate an Ancient Wonder

StarZ arc

Hi there,

May I ask that if I can prove an Ancient Wonder has genuinely been deleted by accident, can it be reinstated?

I don't want to go into detail on a public forum just yet, but if I can prove it was a genuine mistake?


I believe it is possible. If it was deleted recently. You can place a ticket with support and they can advise further. But be careful. From what I understand, This is only a once in a lifetime move. So, make sure this is THE mistake that you wish to reverse.


I've never heard of them reinstating any building you can build again yourself (even though it may take a long time to reach the same level), and every building that gets reinstated will have been deleted genuinely by accident. I have had my Sharkapalooza repaced (I love that building!) and would probably save my sole replacement option for something that you can't build again from the standard menus.


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
Unfortunately Ancient Wonders are not able to be reinstated in the game.
Any building that a player can rebuild from the game is unable to be reinstated, so quite right @QFol2
We are able to reinstate Special Buildings like event buildings, as a one time gesture of goodwill as these cannot be built again.
Hope this clarifys the situation.